How my brother went to jail for weed in Thailand

Discussion in 'General' started by GGrass, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. One of my brothers, the older one, got set up by the dealer-cop team and went to jail.

    He spent only a few hours in the cell, but he had to bribe the cops with about... 1000 bucks to get out.


    It's like this. Buying weed in any country is going to be a risky business.

    And the longer you do it, the bigger the risk.

    It's really hard to get caught if you're doing a one time deal. Unless you're REALLY unlucky, which means the cop just happens to be there at the time, you're not gonna get caught, believe me.

    But if you do it regularly, then that's where the risk starts.

    After a few deals, the dealer will know what kind of person you are.

    If you are a foreigner, if you are rich, poor, student, a business man, married or not... They will eventually know enough to make out that you have enough money to spare, in exchange for not being thrown in jail.

    So the dealer will work with a cop and tip off to the cop and say,

    "Hey, look, there's this guy. He comes to buy weed from me every month. He looks like he's got money, so let's sting him."

    Now, the next time you go buy the weed, there will be a cop (plainclothed) there. You won't notice him coz he's not a uniform.

    And when you hand over the money and recieve the weed, the cop will bust you.

    And you'll be cuffed, put on a back of a pickup truck, and driven around the town until you shit in your pants... or you shit out some money.

    As for my brother, he was driven to the station and put in the cell. And that made him cough out 1000 bucks and as soon as he paid, he got out. No record, nothing.

    Just a really fucked up pickup night.


    If you want to buy stuff in Thailand, or anywhere else for that matter, always know the risk that you're taking, every time you buy.
  2. I'd hop the fuck outta that pickup and run my handcuffed ass home. :smoke:
  3. I would never take the risk of buying anything in those countries. Have you seen 'Locked up Abroad'?
  4. lol, i know better enough not to buy weed from places i dont know, espcially foreign places.

    ive been to Asia and its islands and seen the prisons there. id rather not smoke weed at all then to risk going to jail there.

    but it does help if you family over there, like i do, who know the ropes. and if you dont, go visit the college campuses.
  5. Saw that show on rogers on demand and man is it scary. I'm def with you on this one, don't fuck with any sort of drug abroad. I have a friend from Malaysia and he told me about the strict Islamic law system and if your caught with any sort of drug it's a very severe punishment. Sorry to hear about your brother GGrass, you live and learn I guess.

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