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How much yield from a small white widow plant

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by lein1_1, Mar 15, 2023.

  1. i know that it's very hard if not impossible to estimate the yield of one plant, but i have a very small pot, around 4-5liters, she's around 32cm tall and i fliped her 3 days ago. Im hoping for around 1oz of yield, is it possible to achive this with this pot size?

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  2. wanted to add that my pot is not small but i was stupid and didin't put enough soil in it and now it's too late
  3. Yet you continued to ask an unanswerable question.
  4. Wait, you were still in veg? Why didn't you transplant it into a bigger pot before flipping it?
  5. Because i didin't knew it was an issue. im new haha
    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. i know. I just thought i should ask if 1oz is even realistic
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  7. Oh you can get an OZ easy enough.
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  8. she looks really good
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  9. you could always pot up now....she still has two months worth of growing (assuming shes' photo). Factor that in to your soils' current nutrient levels if you're not bottle feeding, too.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. i would try to carefully pot up just make sure she is wet and be careful but if she is an auto it may be too late just get a 5 gallon bucket
  11. you can even go back to 18/6 if it is only 3 days then repot veg her a few more weeks then flip you may get 4 oz or more
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