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How much yield from 1 plant?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by scarby, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. Hi guys, I'm thinking of growing my own bud, as I'm sick of paying shit prices.

    A few people have mentioned to me that 10oz is posible from 1 plant, is this true? I guess it would have to be really tall and bushy?

    I would be growing around 6 plants in the space.. with probably 3 x 600w HPS lights.

    How much yield do you reckon?

    If it depends on the plant... then it's either Jack Herer or BlueBerry.
  2. No one? :confused:
  3. welllll people tend to say a typical indoor plant produces around 1 to 2 ounces..

    Outdoors, on the other hand, i had a plant produce well over a pound
  4. If your gonna use 3x6oo watters then you are probly gonna want to use more plants than 6.. you can do it, and yeild heavy, but you have to do scrogs and you have to fill those canopy up! Even while your doing this your gonna get less than you would with more smaller plants.. and your more likely to run into deficiencies and shit simply cause the plant is going to be around a while.. I did a grow that finished last month where I had a scrog that had 20 plants in it, and a scrog that had 2 plants in it both under a 1000w and the 2 planter scrog gave like a pound a a quarter and the 20 plant scrog gave like a pound and three quarters. The reason was obvious by looking at them.. the canopy was more full on the table with many plants.. So like I was saying with all that wattage and 6 plants you'll be vegging for days. But if your reason is because your limit to grow on your medinal marijuana prescription is 6 plants(most of california) then just scrog them.. but if not, then get some more plants.. or take some clones off of those 6 and fill that canopy up!
    That took forever! what I meant to say was ya, you can get 10 oz off a scroged plant but it's gonna take 2 and a half- three months before you start flower.
  5. Hello. I think that people are a little confused on the actual laws regarding medical marijuana in California so I just wanted to throw some stuff out here.

    Honestly there was never a limit set for medical marijuana. Not the amount of dried bud or number of plants. Proposition 215 was voted for by Californians. SB420 is being challenged on constitutional grounds and can be contested legally.


    The SB420 is where the whole "card" concept came into play. It was to create a system to try to make and maintain a legitimate and documented process to ensure only people who truly need it for medical purposes are growing and using it. This was also devloped to help ease law enforcement with a way to prove to police that you are indeed a medical patient with a legitimate issued medical card. [edit]

    The following is taken directly out of the SB420 text:

    "It shall not be necessary for a person to obtain an identification card in order to claim the protections of Section 11362.5." - What that means to me is Prop 215 (Section 11362.5) is the law that we voted for - NOT the SB420.

    "since California Constitution Article 2, Section 10c states the legislature cannot amend an initiative statute without voter approval" - SB420 is the government trying to strip us of rights and limit our rights without consulting us first. This is not a legitimate law.

    The truth of the matter is all you need to be a true legitimate medical marijuana patient is a written statement from a qualified doctor stating that marijuana would help your condition. There are no plant number limits, no pound limits, none of that.

    I know I'll probably get some mixed opinions with this post, but we have to remember that we are Americans. We have these things called rights and a constitution so that when the government tries to pass laws like the SB420 we can say "Sorry there, according to constitutional law this isn't legitimate until its been voted on.". That is our right as Americans. Don't let them keep taking away our freedoms.
  6. I was convicted of a felony in Riverside Ca for haveing 2 plants over the legal 6 in that county. The county I am in now just voted on it at the board of supervisors meeting to have it remain 25 plants per script. There is a limit my friend, and if the DA is going by that limit, then so are you.
  7. I'm from the UK.. no medical bollocks for me I'm afraid. Just pure, personal usage.

    Reason I ask is.. I just want one HUGE crop.. then put it all into storage so I can smoke at my leisure.. then when I'm sure I'm gonna run dry.. I'll grow more for me.

    So, how many lights for 6 plants? I won't have much space (not a closet or anything) but I want them to have a lot of breathing space so they can bush to fuck outways. <<< - >>>
  8. One light will be plenty for six plants.
    .....and your yield? maybe ten twelve oz...

    depending how much you smoke, you would probably be best off having a small but continuous grow going as you wouldn't have the hassle of sexing plants from seeds or finding clones...

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