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how much will a q last me

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 420blazed, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. i normally buy like 1g 2g at a time but I'm getting a q of some dank ass shiva because I want to buy in bulk now, i try to smoke every day (1/2 joints) how long would a q last me? or how long does it last you guys.
  2. Id say about Two or three weeks.
  3. a quarter ounce or quarter pound?
  4. A quarter ounce is 7 grams, and 7/.5 = 14 so if you smoke half a gram a day, it'd last you 14 days.

  5. quarter ounce, and thanks for the replys guys :D
  6. That would last me a week, on a good week.
  7. Probs last u week to 10/14 days i reckon, i smoke once maybe twice a day and normally buy 1/8ths.
  8. I get my 7g quarters for 25 bones..

    not bad, sometimes headies, and sometimes horrible schwag.

    It lasts me a day, unless I'm spending the day alone, if im with friends.

    We will probably go through 2 quarters lmao
  9. There is really no way for anyone else to tell how long that would last you...

    Figure out how much you smoke on average per day, and devide 7 by that number.
  10. Never takes me over a week. The think you'll notice this being your first q is that you may start smoking more than one doobie per sesh, and having longer seshes
  11. also i'm really want to get a spoon piece can anyone reccomend me some good ones with a good price?
  12. 9 days, i go through an 8th in like 4 days or so, so i just doubled it
  13. A quarter will last you as long as it takes you to smoke it.
  14. i wanna say a week to two weeks depending if im smoking a couple friends out or not

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