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How much vaped weed per firecracker?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by The_J0ker, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. I have 8 gs of vaped mids. For normal FCs I use 1.0g and I get a pretty good high. How much weed, gram wise, will it take to get the same effect with vaped weed? Only post if you're experienced with (vaped) firecrackers
  2. about an 8th, very powdery.

  3. Sorry to thread jack OP

    Fumar, have you ever tried making ABV firecrackers without heat? I was wondering if I could just let it sit for a few days...
  4. With any edible that asks for no heat, I'd probably do it for more than a few days. Honestly a month would probably be better.

    But, at all cost, COOK the firecrackers. They don't smell, you can just make a dud if safety is the key.
  5. Well, I overestimated the amount of PB needed so each firecracker has 1.0g of vaped bud in it. So I guess I'll eat 3-4 and see how I feel??
  6. sounds good, yeah I'd eat 3 myself.
  7. i was flying from 1.5 grams. i actually just ate one that had 1.7. god save me.
  8. It must be in the air that people are eating more and more FCs. I've got 2 in the oven right now w/ 1g on each. Plan on having 1 after I let em cool for about 15-20 mins, and then another tonight around 530 or 6. I had 2 yesterday and I woke up high. Had 1 @ 12 and another @ 830 and I passed out before 12am. Graham Cracker, Peanut Butter/ Olive Oil mix, and mom chosen JIF. Works like a charm!
  9. im a damn noob. but what is a firecracker? pretty sure its an edible and it sounds good.
  10. Peanut butter and weed sandwiched between two crackers and cooked for 20 minutes or so. You can substitute peanut butter for nutella, although PB is more effective due to its higher oil content.
  11. How you extract the thc from the weed and into the oil or do u just add bud in between PB and and some crackers and munch away?
  12. #12 AdamSheva, Dec 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2011
    Throw your bud in a sealed tinfoil ball and place it in the oven at 200 for 20 minutes. This decarbs your bud, and as I understand makes the active ingredients more accessible during baking.

    Grind up the bud and sprinkle over the PB crackers, then press'em together, wrap them in tinfoil and place them in the oven. You can add oil to the PB to make them more effective (Olive oil will do I think . . but coconut oil is better). :smoke:

    This is a simple method, and doesn't require much time . . but it SHOULD work. :D

    Edit: You can just grind your bud up, put it on some PB crackers, and bake. But this doesn't always work apparently.

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