How much to water when its time?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by brotherjericho, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. OK so I pretty much have the routine down with how often to water. I use a combination of the lift and finger tests. I lift and if it feels light, I insert my finger down to the second knuckle, if I feel moisture I wait. Dry, I water.

    But now I have a question as to how much water. I have basically been watering until I get a slight runoff. Is that OK, or should I only water until runoff every once in a while?

  2. Always water till 10-20% run off then test it
  3. I am sure gonna get a bunch of different thoughts here, but it does depend on how are you feeding? Organic? Or hydro solutions?

    In either case I would say your goal should be water till right before runoff...In flush weeks I water till run off a few times then let dry out a few days, and a final water...
  4. Personally never bother with the finger test because in the center or lower the soil may be wet.

    I just use the pick up method has worked for eons now. Anyhow yes you should have run off. That ensures the soil is saturated and excess accumulated things are washed out.

  5. Vegging in mix of peat, compost, vermiculite, perlite.

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