How much to vape if smoking 100-130mg chronic?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by 72ogerrabbit, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. If smoking 100-130mg in a cone gets me pretty high, how much will I end up vaping to get high?
  2. This is the second thread this week where people use mg as a form of measurement...It's getting freaky.

    If smoking .1 gets you high then....wait how do you even roll a cone with .1 that's the definition of toothpick.

    Also since I'd say vaping gets you 3x higher... about .03 should do you OP. Althoguh I think you did that measurement wrong because if you're rolling cones with .1 I don't know how the world works anymore.
  3. You will need to do about 3x of the ammount BECAUSE vaping doesnt use all the THC. You get like 60% of all the THC in the bud youre vaping, while you get 99% with normal smoking.
    Il say 0.2 but still try it on your own.

    If youre trying to buy a vaporizer....Just buy a perc bong and you will save like 200 Bucks. Theyre over-rated.

  4. You know every single word this retard has written yeah? Don't take any of it seriously, every single letter is false and untrue.

  5. I pre-roll the cones with nothing in it and then pack it with 140mg, twist it, then rip off the extra paper.

  6. While vaporization uses about 70% of the buds full potential (which is why edibles can be made with ABV), u need a LOT less than when smoking, because even though combustion turns marijuana into unusable ash, it is NOT more efficient. The temperature at which combustion occurs destroys a lot of the more sensitive tetrahydracannabinol trichomes on the bud, making smoking inefficient compared to vaporization followed by inhalation of the full amount of THC extracted in the chosen temperature range. In addition, smoke contains carcinogens that relatively pure vapor does not have, which could potentially further taint ur high.

    Long story short, what gets u high when u smoke it will get u just as high if not even higher when u vaporize it. U won't need more, maybe even less than combustion.
  7. well im not sure about these mg measurements, but in my vape (MFLB) it takes me really around .2 of high mids to get me high, or .3 with mids. but thats just my experience so far.

    P.S. if you get the MFLB, there is a learning curve, so be prepared for that

  8. Inbred
  9. An Extreme Q vape costs about $170 USD. So take $200 minus $170 for the vape, that suggest you can get a perc bong and $30 in cash....
    What BS..... Vapes are a proficient tool to extract the THC and you can save the ABV material and make edibles afterwards.

    Research the vape idea more OP. I have the EQ and am very satisfied with it's abilities/performance.
  10. Most uneducated thing I have ever seen in my entire life....

    Were you dropped on your head as a child?...

    Wait nevermind, unimportant.

    Vaporizing has the highest yield of THC and other cannabinoids that you can get, by far, smoking doesn't come close.

    EDIT: Sorry, like .03 but IDK how the fuck you roll a cone with .1...
  11. The ignorance of people in here ....

    I use 100mg in my vape to get high. If you can get high from smoking that much you might not be ready for vaping. Much more intense
  12. #12 MR_, Aug 1, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2012
    I'd say with vaping you'd use 1/3rd of 1/2th of what you use while smoking.

    So if you use 140mg in a cone, that would be equal to .14 grams. Using that amount, you'd need like .05 in a vape to achieve the same high.

    .14 is VERY small though. Part of me thinks you might have your measurement off.

    A better example would be .5 (500mg) in a cone is equivalent to .2 (200mg) in a vape.

    For example, I used to smoke about 10 grams to myself in a month, much less than most people but its an example.

    Now only vaping, I use about 3.5 grams to myself in a month.

    At $15 gram, I made up the money I spent on the vape pretty quick
  13. This made me lol.
  14. .1 does it for u? Hmmm..maybe ive developed a vape tolerance...i can kill like 2 .3 bowls in by DBV....but on the other hand....after that im SHITFACED
  15. 2 .1-.15 elbow packs in my eq is all i can take before im retarded
  16. I tried going 3 trenches last night in the MFLB. Got through 2 and I was in cartoon world with no interest in trying a 3rd.

    For a beginner, I'd go ahead and try out vaping the amount you smoke. That should be a good reference point ;)
  17. Go with 1/2 of what you normally smoke. If you want more, repeat. You can always add to your high but you can not take away from it....
  18. [quote name='"Skunk Dank"']You will need to do about 3x of the ammount BECAUSE vaping doesnt use all the THC. You get like 60% of all the THC in the bud youre vaping, while you get 99% with normal smoking.
    Il say 0.2 but still try it on your own.

    If youre trying to buy a vaporizer....Just buy a perc bong and you will save like 200 Bucks. Theyre over-rated.[/quote]

    This post made me lol..So full of fail..
  19. Didn't read the whole thread, but I can roll cones with 100-200 mg of weed. Granted they are skinny as all hell, and I rip the paper so they aren't as long. Me and my cousin call them super joints because they are so small but pack a punch
  20. [quote name='"Skunk Dank"']You will need to do about 3x of the ammount BECAUSE vaping doesnt use all the THC. You get like 60% of all the THC in the bud youre vaping, while you get 99% with normal smoking.
    Il say 0.2 but still try it on your own.

    If youre trying to buy a vaporizer....Just buy a perc bong and you will save like 200 Bucks. Theyre over-rated.[/quote]

    Cannot stop loling. Troll? I think so.

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