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How much to smoke with 0 tolorence?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Drewbacca, Mar 24, 2016.

  1. And how do you measure this stuff? Do you just eye it? (I'll be using a bowl and probably just buying a Gram here and there)
  2. Grind or break it up into small pieces, pack a bowl, hit it until you are satisfied.
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  3. #3 wafdof, Mar 24, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2016
    Smoke as little as it takes to feel something then quit for a minute or two. Sometimes some weed creeps on you. If you don't smoke slow you will more than likely smoke too much especially at first and you won't like it at all.

    I know that sounds cryptic but you will thank me later if you listen. Don't be first In Line to smoke the most or keep up with others. Smoke a little then take a pause then if you feel like it then smoke a little more. Most people that enjoy marijuana smoke until they are comfortable if you over smoke then you have all the other post here that have headers like "I got sick" "I greened out" "mega anxiety" and a host of other "ailments" also known as overuse and stupidity.

    Go slow and enjoy it, smoke too much and it sucks. How much? Not sure, every person is different but if you get good stuff it should last you several sessions on one gram.
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  4. Pack your bowl once nice and tight. Do a decent sized hit clear most of it and you'll be good my man ;)
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  5. I remember one of my first times. I only smoked a one hitter and i was good for a while
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  6. Not much at all. With 0 tolerence, you'll get stoned on whatever. :)
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  7. Before you can build tolerance, you must gain experience
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  8. Why not just smoke and find out?

    Never fully understood these questions... Take a hit wait a few, if no effects take another. I'm a daily smoker and my tolerance is up there yet one rip off the bong of quality medication and I'm lookin through Jesus window.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  9. One hit a time
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  10. Break up a small amount, say pea size. Pack it in a bowl, smoke it. Wait a few minutes and do it again if you feel you can.
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  11. Honestly, for me, I didn't get high the first couple times. I'd say, smoke as much as you can until you actually feel stoned.
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