How much time left to harvest??

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by skullbasher23, Jul 25, 2017.

  1. How much time do you guys think is left for this plant to finish if you had to guess just by this picture? Keywords, "just by this picture" hehe. I gave away the plant to an autistic buddy of mine who knows nothing about growing weed.

  2. I'd wait at least 3 weeks before I start checking trics

    Grow journal
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  3. Oh man I was far off. I told him like a week. Guess there's bad news coming lol. Thanks man. I might tell him 2 weeks just to be safe. I'll post more pics as it grows
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  4. I gave it to him in veg around first week of May. When he sent me a photo on the 25th it was clearly blooming if that helps
  5. It almost looks like it's revegging... but idk I've never had experience with it I just noticed all those round leaves look kinda funny...

    Grow journal
  6. It's funny you mentioned that. I though if the exact same thing. For like two whole weeks it didn't do anything and some of the leaves looked funny. For the past 2 weeks it's been stacking white hairs again
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  7. He would send me pictures and I would literally notice no difference whatsoever. The leaves that looked funny were tiny but they were there none the less
  8. Is this a joke or... I just don't see how your friend being autistic is relevant lol

    But yeah I agree with LedRoB82
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  9. May definitely wanna have your friend check for light leaks or at the very least check for him. He's never grown before so he's probably just being hard headed and thinking complete darkness is bullshit or something lol..

    Grow journal
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  10. A bunch of posts where people ask this similar questions, people usually respond with "buy a loupe", "check the trichomes" which isn't possible. Getting this picture from him takes forever
  11. And I live too far from him now so only going by the pictures. We aren't ever going to be able to look at the crystals magnified
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  12. They very well may never finish up properly if he doesn't fix what he's doing ...

    Grow journal
  13. This guy is definitely hardheaded lol. He gets angry insanely quick but that's just how he is. Rather not explain lol. I convinced his mom to water it...
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  14. Eh all you can do is pass on the information he needs to finish the plant up... if he doesn't wanna listen there's nothing you can do.

    Grow journal
  15. I told him to put it outside where no lights would hit it. I'll try to verify tonight
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  16. It's been pretty frustrating not gonna lie. I just want him to finish since it's so close now. Really helps calm him down
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  17. Well if it's his plant now just tell him to do the research. I mean if he has any questions it's only a google search away. Good luck to you both.
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  18. Im pretty it revegged from the days getting longer. It happened from June 13 to 25th when days were getting longer at peak daylight. He doesn't have streetlights nearby. Maybe a kitchen light or something stupid
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  19. I guess I used the wrong word. I don't know the proper PC term but he's pretty much borderline mentally disabled. He doesn't need extreme care but needs adult supervision his whole life.
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  20. I'm a little embaressed to ask his mom to inspect the trichomes lol
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