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How much THC fits into a stick of butter

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by joeyalf, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. I am planning on doing some baking soon, but I am going to start with the butter. I want potency. I am curious as to how much thc fits into ONE stick of butter? I don't want to waste any pot, but I want to try to fit in as much as possible. If anybody has any idea on this it would be really helpful. Thanks
  2. this is kind of a dumb question

  3. Way worse answer.

    Whats dumb about the question? I was wondering the same thing, I already had a thread that noone could give answers on either. At some point the fat has got to be saturated with thc no? Obviously different strains will have different levels of potency but if someone had some general ratio it would be sweet.
  4. this is what it looks like if done correctly


    this is 7 pounds of butter...

    i used 4 pounds of qualtiy trim and shake
  5. right on. now have you done that same recipe with more trim before and not noticed a difference in potency or is that just how much you happened to have etc. I just made 5lbs butter to 2 pounds of popcorn and its really strong, should I go 2.5 next time? :smoke:

  6. no it was my first time making that big of a batch...

    and it was killer...

    one brownie gave me the most ridiculous body buzz ever...

    2 seriosly made me go to sleep

    i you use 1 stick of butter...i would use no less than a quarter

    depending on what your

    this is what i made..

  7. Bricks bircks all white brickssss^^^^^^ Lmao.
    cool shit tho.
  8. I don't see how this is a dumb question, and I know the thc is absorbed by the fat, but what happens when the fat can no longer absorb anymore thc? I was just wondering, at this point, how much weed would have been used. Using average mids.

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