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How Much Smell Will a Smoke Buddy Eliminate?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ganjagod69, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. #1 ganjagod69, Nov 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2014
    So, I have been smoking for a while, and have used a smoke buddy a few times, but I wanted to know. How much of the smell will a smoke buddy eliminate. Usually i just blow out my window, but want to know if I could just blow into my smoke buddy in my room and have it not smell. Thanks! (By the way, im talking about a toilet paper roll with fabric softeners inside)

  2. A smoke buddy would only smoke more marijuana and that would not eliminate smell my dear friend.It would cause more of it to be produced.

    ...Oh jeez you meant a doob tube well in that case they work alright.I like to smell like weed though.Well when I smoke it at least.You shouldn't be so paranoid.
  3. Most people call it a sploof

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  4. #4 ktoke, Nov 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2014
    I've used them blowing out a window, but I've never used them to just blow anywhere. I imagine so long as you have a window open you should be fine
  5. Doob tube is a container for a joint...
  6. Depends where you live.My post was a joking post.
  7. It works, but you have to have somewhere for the smoke to go. Like out of a window, or through an exhaust fan.

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