ok quick question how many small plants like lowryder can i fit in a space of 23" tall from they soil up , 28" wide, 13 1/2" deep. then how many watts of cfl should i use now remember im on a budget haha but thanks in advance.
2 plants tops... preferably 1 big bushy one. A general rule of thumb is 100w per plant. In a space that small you can get away with 4 CFLs for growing and 4 for flowering.. just swap out the high lumen bulbs for the less powerful during flowering. Check the micro grows section for more info suited to you as well.
is there a way i could grow like three or four in that amount of space, two low ryders plus my lack of experience inst going to produce as much as id like you know? or any other ideas i want something i can harvest in a max of nine weeks from seed and produce atleast a few ounces. i have been looking on the micro grows quite a bit but havent really found the info im looking for possibly cause i am using my cell phone lol but if u could enlighten me chombie id be very thankful, or anyone else who would know the same applies to you.
Maybe not the first time, but the first grow is a learning experience more than anything... you'll be lucky to yield anything, let alone a few ounces. Correct me if I'm wrong but if I'm reading your dimensions right this sounds much like a computer case? In a space that small there's really no way to fit 3 or 4 full size plants.
Its a hardwood dresser larger than a computer case. front view ______________________________________ [ [ [ [ [ 23" [ [ [_________________28"_________________[ this line (above^) is the level where the soil will be no mater what size pots i use everything above will be free space except for the cfls mounted horizontal side veiw ____13 1/2"_____ [ [ [ [ [ [_______________[ hope that helps you visiaulize my box
You MAY... emphasis on that... be able to fit 4 in a square like pattern. But you will need a light fixture that either hangs in the middle of the 4 or two seperate groupings of lights to equally hit all plants. Assuming you're using CFLs... you would need something like the picture below. Note that they must be able to raise and lower to keep up with the growth of your plants Also note that you'll be using smaller pots than if you had a large space, thus smaller plants.
thats about what i was thinking but placing the pots in a sort of zigzag type layout with six 100watt cfls in groups of three over the two sets of plants, with a pretty intense ventilation system to keep the heat down do you think i could pull that off? and thanks for all your help so far.
Are those actual watts or wattage equivalent? That is of course implying that you've already found the bulbs you're talking about... On that ventilation system, throw in a carbon filter for odor... there's a few cheap designs on the forums. As far as that setup... to my knowledge, yes it'd be effective. Don't forget the entire thing has to be light-proofed with a reflective material such as mylar or diamond foil. And you're welcome.
actual wattage and please believe i am paying the extra cash for a legit carbon filter lol cant let the dank escape, and yeah i am gonna get mylar and all that jazz. well let me squeeze one more question in be before i log out. Do you have any favorites among the lowryder family for yield and/0r how potent it is? and keep an eye out for my grow journal in a few weeks i will pm you with the thread when i get the show on the road.
Easy ryder is probably the best all around. And sounds good, I'll sub to that when you get it going... Most of all, GOOD LUCK!