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how much per week?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by freshoftheboat, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. How much weed do you smoke per week on average? (in joints)

    also have you ever not gone on a night out just to smoke weed? im starting to wonder if i should give it up for a bit.

    prob not the best place to ask if smoking to much weed is a bad idea
  2. ill smoke about 3-4 grams per week, less if im eating edibles or have hash.

    i think its fine to stay home and blaze instead of going out. you dont need to party all the time to have a happy life. i enjoy being alone, but i am kinda loner by nature.

    edit, that would be ike 6-12 joints,
  3. i smoke about 7 grams a week . so if your joints are a gram a piece i smoke 1 a day .

    The only thing bad about smoking to much weed is you gain a big tolerance to it and it takes way more to get high . I also feel dumber when i smoke abunch( a few more than 1 G a day) over a few days time like i do every now and then .

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