How much money

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Screamin Peace, Aug 28, 2009.

  1. would it cost for you to suck my dick hypothetically?
  2. I don't name prices bro. You do.
    But I'm game nonetheless.
  3. two scenarious:

    Privately, no one ever finding out
    Everyone finding out, EVERYONE.
  4. $∞

    (If you don't know, that sideways 8 means infinity)
  5. $78.65 please

  6. Sounds like the standard going rate :wave:
  7. It is, he's fairly cheap for the quality!
    more bang for your buck:eek:
  8. Im not sure, but i think you may have done this before...probably made this face :eek:
  9. Opening up my escrow account now - USD or CAD?
  10. 10 million dollars, in a briefcase, I get to see it first. (Knowing that you would never go through with it)

    And in case you had the money to go through with it and were dumb enough to show me, I'd just rob you.
  11. I bet you watch some very weird porn.

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