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How much money have you spent on herb in your life?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Jake420Smoke, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. So how much money do you think you guys have spent throughout your life on bud? Think of all the weed you've bought, and then think of all the things you could have bought if you would have grown your own weed!

  2. I think if only spent about $20 all together. My best friend grows so he just gives me 10g for free at a time. I love that we are so close haha
  3. $415. I believe that's every transaction accounted for.

    It's not peer pressure, it's just your turn.
  4. Man... Easily over $10,000 if not much more than that haha. It's alright though, as long as you're competent enough to make more money than you smoke and live off of.

  5. A lot.

    Bird + Weed + Papers = Good time
  6. I feel like we should add how long we've been smoking. So I'll add that it's only been 2 years.

    It's not peer pressure, it's just your turn.
  7. #7 ShatterWulf, Nov 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2014
    I've been smoking since I was I teenager and I'm 24 now, so total ~10 years, but I didn't really start regularly smoking weed until college and I've definitely spent over $10,000. I dunno my rough math says a touch over 3k in the last year though. Since I've moved to Colorado a few years ago I buy more weed though it is cheaper per unit price; but I probably spent more the first 7 years I smoked than in the last 3 due to overinflated prohibition prices before I became a medical patient here.
  8. I think I'd seriously cry if I knew how much I've spent over the last 17 years. 5 of those years smoking a oz a week and still smoking half a week now.
  9. 2000+ this year, have been smoking for 3 yrs.

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  10. I buy for $8/g of top shelf,because i know a grower for years now. And when i started i paid $10.I was growing too for a while, harvested like 4 ounce,with a setup for about $50.I buy one-two grams a week thats about 1-2 grand so far.
  11. I've been smoking about 10 years. Probably smoke 2-3 oz a month. I'm in the UK and pay £220 (approx $350) per oz.

    So I'd hazard a guess at over £10K easily.

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  12. About $200 :p
  13. If I had saved up all the money that I've spent on cannabis, I'd have enough money to buy a used Honda Civic.
  14. way to hard to put a number on it.  About 9 years of constant smoking=.......a shit load.
  15. Having smoked off and on for three decades, back in the late 80s and early 90s, I spent way too much.  In fact, when I made the decision to quit at one point, I sat down and calculated that I had spent between 12-15k the previous four years ($250-300/ounce, one ounce per month), which was enough to get a pretty nice new car back then.
    All about home growing now, which is why I'm so happy Oregon's new law allows for it.  Grow equipment isn't an expense, it's an investment..
  16. idk but it's been worth every fucking cent.
  17. Thousands and thousands.
  18. I honestly don't even want to think about that :laughing:
    Quite a bit. Too much, really. I'm overall pretty damn cheap, but I've definitely blown some cash on weed and paraphernalia over the years.
  19. Probably 10 k in three years... But most of it wasn't smoked by me...

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