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How much money have you spent on bud?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 420bunny, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. In the last two years how much money do you think you have spent on bud?
  2. Probably 300 dollars at most, I just pick up a dime bag from my friend whenever I wanna smoke and that's not very often, once a week at most.
    I can only smoke like a third of a dime by myself, haven't really built up a tolerance.
  3. well ive only been smoking a year but i must have spent atleast £300
  4. I've been smoking for about a year and I've probably spent around 1000$
  5. My answer= Too much. I just need to grow and get this shit over with =]
  6. ive spent well over 1,000 buck in 2009.and even more if you count all the other drugs i bought
  7. Way too much, my memory sucks too much to remember exactly but according to the letter i got from the bank i withdrew $280 last month, and i only withdraw when i wanna buy bud or
    a new piece and i havnt bought a new piece for a couple months :S
  8. In 2 years? I don't like to think bout it but I probably spent over 20g :(. Get a half to 2oz every week, really wanna start making my own shit.
  9. just over £1000.
  10. Probably around $300 maybe. Not bad at all.
  11. A lot.
    I couldn't begin to put a number on it
  12. Uh. I have been smoking for half a yearish. I have spent at least 150 bucks?
  13. I've been smoking shit that costs 17 dollars a gram pretty steadily the past two years. I typically go through an ounce every two months, so we can ball park it around 6,000 dollars.

  14. In the last 10 years I have spent $36,000. I buy an oz a month typically and an oz cost me 300.
  15. I make more off of my bud than i spend.
  16. If we are not talking about the money Ive made back I've spent over a 1,000 easily in my first semester of college.
  17. Well let's see..

    Give or take 2 O's a month for $350 an O would be $700 a month.
    $700 x 24 = $16,800 for the past two years.

    Not including new pieces, wraps, munchies, lighters, random things I buy while stoned, gas for cruises, April 20th, etc.

    Damn, never really thought it all out. Well worth the money IMO :D:smoking:
  18. since 2008 prob like 2000 bucks
  19. 2 years? Atleast a couple grand. DAMN. I need to start growing..

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