Looking to dive in and wanting to do it right. Planning on doing hydroponic 5g pots- say I have a 5x5 area How much light is too much? Can you put 2000W in that as long as it's not going to cause light burn from how close it is? At a certain point is it overkill?
I have found that 40 watts of high quality LED light per square foot is all I can use. Mainly because I hit my target numbers at this level and would need to supplement co2 if I was to try and use more. Like @TheeJayLopez mentioned these numbers are for high end led/ QBs etc. not burple
If it is true 2000W, it will overkill in 5x5. Generally keeping 40-50W each square feet is optimal. I doubt there is no 2000W true power light in market now.
Great, I was more just wondering if there was a "cap" per say and you would end up not benefiting any further. So 40-50/sqft is the ideal ratio then and anything more is wasteful essentially- Correct? You can push more with Co2?
Yes you can push more with co2 but its generally accepted that the return is not worth the effort /expense