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How much is an ounce of mids

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by JAREDxTOKZ, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. IN georgia
  2. about 28.3 grams
  3. [​IMG]
  4. Price wise :face palm:
  5. hahaha I did that purposely. I'm not sure man probably from 100-200 though
  6. under 100
  7. Lol GEORGIA KUSH, prob 145$ range
  8. 85-100.
    Could be wring but that's what i usually see for mids in FL
  9. Depends on who you know, could go from 50$ to 150$, i would recommend never paying more than 5$ a g though
  10. 785.30 Japanese Yen

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