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How much is a pound of Dro......

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by ill_will, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. Just move to texas....and was wondering how much for a pound of dro......
  2. about $300
    if you grow it yourself ;)
  3. Tree fiddySent from my Nexus 4 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  4. if you mean like actual dro, then its probably like $350-$400 depending where you live. Dro is short for hydro which in terms is short for hydroponics, which is when the plant is being grown it receives its nutrients through a water/irrigation system instead of the soil. some studies suggest that dro is more potent then good old fashioned methods but i think its all a bunch of baloney! toke on
  5. sorry man haha im high i just now realized you said pound not ounce lmao! probably like $3500-$6000
  6. Prices vary from state, to the actual dealer selling it. Here's my ballpark for "dro" in.Phoenix.

    $1,600 - $2,500
  7. I'm going to have to agree with @[member="DirtyHead13"] In my area, you're looking at like 4000-4500 a lb from the right people.
  8. If your asking here, you probably can't afford it or have no business with it Haha. For DRO you could easily drop $1200-$3000 or a little more depending on who get it from. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  9. Got damn too much for me.
  10. #11 Delightfully High, Jan 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2014
    Dro is short for hydropronic which is nothing more than one of many variations of marijuana cultivation ,so prices still vary regardless of the means of cultivation. What really matters is what is the quality of the herb (just because it's hydropronically growing doesn't mean it's dank) ,what's the strain ,and also what part of Texas do you live in.
  11. Its slang. Dro chronic kush dank fire its all the same shit so why be smartasses do you really have nothing better to do. ? Sent from my XT1030 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  12. It's not all the same, kush is a strain and dro is a growing medium... Chronic dank and fire are the same, they might all be slang but they arnt all the same think, I've smoked fire/dank that wasn't dro.
  13. [quote name="Kush cookies" post="19386367" timestamp="1390412452"]It's not all the same, kush is a strain and dro is a growing medium... Chronic dank and fire are the same, they might all be slang but they arnt all the same think, I've smoked fire/dank that wasn't dro.[/quote]Its all slang for high quality. Simple as that.Sent from my XT1030 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  14. Agree to disagree... Easiest way.
  15. Dro can be shity weed doe. Depends on the grower. Sent from The Gods.
  16. [quote name="Kush cookies" post="19386384" timestamp="1390412643"]Agree to disagree... Easiest way.[/quote]I like your way of thinking but he gotsta learn :lol:Dro is short for hydroponics, which is a method of growing. Just because it was grown hydroponically doesn't mean its any better than something grown in soil or an organic mix. My avi is dro, but only bag seed. and while it was delicious, its still mid. Anyone who says I got that dro is most likely a tool and probably has no clue as to how it was actually grown;) JM$.02
  17. I just wanna make fun of you for using the term Dro as high grade bud. Those kids annoy the fuck out of me.
    "Got some killer dro bruhh"
    "Oh you got some hydroponic buds"
    "Nah dummy its dro you know dank"

    Stupid fuckers
    So stupid bro, god forbid people have different terminology in different areas.
    actually dro is considered less quality than fire..update your slang lol

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