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how much is a cut?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by shambala, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. so my friend said he could hook me up with a cut of headies for 60$. I figured a cut is somewhere near a quarter but i'm not sure...:smoking:
  2. Think pizza pie my brotha.
  3. An eighth.
  4. an eighth. 3.5 grams, probably thirty to thirty five bucks for dank depending on where you live.
  5. Haha i dont see how that helps man.

    I would just ask him, a cut sounds really generalized.
  6. 8 cuts in a pie :smoking: i'm starving
  7. Haha oh like an 8th, that actually makes sense. :smoking:
  8. Its an eighth, 60 bucks is pretty high, i would say 50 tops for great dank, but prices differ from area to area
  9. 60 for a cut of headies?
    my local barbershop cuts my headies for like 8 bucks :smoking:
  10. i thought a cut was just how much that money will get you.... so a 60 cut means as much as 60 will get you. i could be wrong
  11. Tecchnically an eigth, but people around here use it to describe an indeterminate amount of weed, based on price.
  12. A cut is how much you get. It SHOULD be figured by weight.

    If he's picking up an ounce for like 300 then 60 will get you your 8th. If he's getting an O for about 150, you'll get about 10 grams. Basically, ask him how much he's paying for how much total, and then divide the cost by the weight. Then multiply and that's what you get.

  13. + rep for making me laugh.

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