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how much is a .8

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by vasa111, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. ok my dealer is selling me lemon diesel for 20 now i wanna now will that be enough for a blunt cuz i just buy a dub of dro and that leaves me with more then i need? can some one explain about what .8 of weed looks like? :confused:
    and i dont own a scale
  2. you should be able to get a blunt and maybe a bowl or two. depending on how many people are going to be smoking the blunt. We roll .5 gram blunts here in college time all the time. If it's good weed, a blunt will take care of 3-4 people, and will really fuck up 2.
  3. i dont like to do big smokeing sessions its ganna be just me and my friend yeah if i can roll a decent blunt thats good =)

    BTW you live in illinois i live in chicago, what part you live in?
  4. It looks a little less than half a half single. Thats the only way i can explain it.
  5. you will get more out of it with a bowl or bong.
    .8 is fine for a blunt its gonna be a little on the small side tho.

    and to the guy who posted above me how the hell is you smoking .5 blunts. thats just a waste of a dutch
  6. its kind of hard to explain what .8 will look like, but it should be fine for a swisher
  7. idk bout .5gs! Maybe a cigarillo

    not a dutch tho

    just get it and roll it up OP
  8. im rolling white owls
  9. if you live in jersey, ny, or ct, a .8 is a $20 bag.
    A .8 will be perfect for a blunt. No more no less. I prefer using a Game blunt

  10. Haha what?
  11. With a .8 gram blunt, you'd better have a nice grinder and work that shit good. Also I recommend a cigarillo versus a bigger wrap.
  12. .8 gram blunt is fine for 2-3 people
  13. .8 is good for like a blunt maybe nothing left over when I roll it in a Games, but it depends how much you pacc it in and roll it.
  14. grape swish for a nice .8 dank blunt, always always comes thru. In school an 1/8th would last 6-7 blunts. My boy who always rolled could fuckin ROLL a mean tight ass 2-3 man blunt. Shit was dank, and we'd get baked as fuck every time.
  15. guys thanks for the help... i bought the weed yesterday and i asked a dealer if he could hook me up up 2 a gram... so when we rolled it we almost had some left over... thank you for the help :wave:
  16. Buying weed by the blunt is struggle mode.
  17. Idk, .2 grams less than 1 gram maybe?

    Whatever the amount is whenever a scale reads .8gs maybe?

  18. We be rolling G blunts where I stay at. 1.0 grams. All day.

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