My long time dealer has since stopped, and I feel like im getting chinced here with my new connect.... I get a quarter for $60... and I grinded about 0.5-0.7 up So do you think these pictures are 6.3 or so grams? I'll get a scale if I really feel like it's necessary, dw.
If it's dense yeah it looks good, but if it's real fluffy then it's probably less. I dunno. Get a scale if you want an accurate answer
If its fluffy or moist could be 4.5 to 5.5 and could lose weight if still a little wet, if it is heavy and dense it deffs look like 7 there Sent from my takee 1 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Based on your other posts im pretty sure youre a noob. How could anyone possibly know how much that weighs without a scale? Anyways to me that looks like 4 grams max. Get a scale and you wont have this problem -Sent from Zeta Reticuli starsystem-
Yeah i made this post late at night so it wasn't like any corner stores were open with scales, you morons.
"Im pretty sure you're a noob" so wht? and my last post was in 2011 man, chill out breh ...... it's not like i post here often. I was just wondering what you guys thought about this weight by eying it. But this is exactly why I don't post here..... I come here for some simple help on what you guys think before I buy a scale and deal with people like you trying to be a smart ass smh
Good good, insult the blades trying to help you. That will certainly earn you respect -Sent from Zeta Reticuli starsystem-
Also if youve been smoking since 2011 how do you not have a scale by now? -Sent from Zeta Reticuli starsystem-
Wow you struggle with reading comprehension huh? "My long time dealer has since stopped, and I feel like im getting chinced here with my new connect...." ..... my long time dealer had a scale and would scale everything in front of me, why would i need a scale for all those times? I didn't need to purchase one. And again, I have since purchased one since the stores are open now. I just wanted to know what people thought, you're going out of your way to try and make me look bad but you come off as a complete buffoon. Terrible forum because of morons like you. Get a life man.
I have several lives i assure you. It appears i have broken your anus but i promise it was not intentional. That being said, you really should know better than to go on grasscity making these posts. When has anyone ever been able to properly eyeball with just a picture? Also if youve been buying so long i would assume you could at least eyeball it yourself. -Sent from Zeta Reticuli starsystem-
you're someone who lurks through my old posts from years ago just so they could pounce on the fact to call me a "noob"'s so pathetic and laughable, and it seems that is something you enjoy doing to others so yes, you need to get a life. My anus is broken for simply laughing my ass off at hard you reach to troll people. Also, it's called getting a second opinion. you do realize there is numerous threads that are similar to this right? With people asking other users what they think.
You mean your literal 10 posts? Oh yeah i had to lurk hard to find those. Also you realize in every single one of those threads everyone says you cant eyeball from a picture? And the OPs usually get roasted, toasted, and burnt to a crisp, because theyre all newbies like you -Sent from Zeta Reticuli starsystem-