How much Foxfarm Growbig for three week old plants?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by maverick45710, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. I know this question has probably been asked before but how much Foxfarm should you use on Three week old plants. I have never used Foxfarm nutes before and the instructions on the bottle are not very precise. I just got my order from HTG today and I am anxious to use some of my nutes. I only purchased the Growbig this time but I am planning on ordering some type of bloom nutes in the future so any suggestions on that would be great also. Thanx alot to all you GC peeps out there that have helped me get my grow to where it is today. It is looking good!
  2. Anytime you are giving your baby nutes for the first time, you want to do about 1/4 of the dosage recommended on the back of the bottle. For example, if its asking 1tsp per gallon, start with 1/4tsp per gallon. Gradually up your dosage as weeks pass, and adjust/flush when needed. Good Luck!:wave:
  3. You'll see on the back of GrowBig (assuming it's a hydro bottle?) that it says 2tsps per gallon for regular feeding. That's the number you want to do the math with.

    I would say 1/2tsp per gallon just to be safe and maybe bump it up to 1tsp in another week. I never use the full dosage of nutes. All my plants have always gotten burned if I use the full amount. I always keep it about 1/2-3/4 dosage even for my bushy big guys.

    I also use Grow Big and Tiger Bloom exclusively, good choice. :)
  4. #4 HerbalAssassin0, Jan 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2010
    pshhh.... forget these pansy's.... how tall is your plant? how healthy/big? even if its first time with nutes, id say give it ATLEAST 1 tsp per gal, if not 2 per gal.... if your stuff is like 8-9'' or bigger.... i got some plants in veg now, about 1 month old, around, give or take, and i just gave them 3 tsp per gal... but split between 2 plants per gal.... and they've had growbig before... but still, im confident it won't burn them..... they're big enough.

    edit, NOTE: do NOT, under any circumstances, just geuestimate, i did this in the beginning for awhile when i first started growin, and it was a BADDD IDEA.... if you can't find a measuring device in your house, go get one at walmart or your growstore....

    and make your its TEA, tsp, spoons...

    NOT, TABLE, tsb, spoon...

    3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon....

    so if you give it 1 or 2 tablespoons, or just guesstimate it, your gunna hurt your plants.... measure that shit preciseee
  5. What are you basing this off of? I'd love to hear your justification. It's blatantly obvious that you've never used Fox Farm nutes, but I'm going to guess your leaves will yellow to the color of piss if you do this with any nute.
  6. Well its the soil type and it says daily feeding 1 tsp per gallon and heavy feeding 2 or 3 tsp per gallon every two weeks. The reason I posted this question was because my plants are very young and I had heard others say that you should not go by the directions when starting a new nute schedule with MJ. I was definately checking out the Foxfarm Tigerbloom for flowering but they also have another one called Big Bloom or something that appears to be about the same. I will need to quite using the bloom nutes about 2 weeks before harvest correct? I have grown indoors a few times before just using food from Walmart - MG - Scultz etc. but they always did more harm than good so this will be my first real attempt using nutes. Thanx again for any help.
  7. #8 maverick45710, Jan 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2010
    Thanx for the link, I have not seen this before! So from what that is saying I would need to use 3 tsp per gallon of water but really I should start with a little less than 1tsp to 1/2tsp per gallon every other watering.
  8. I'd play it a bit safer, as every strain is different, and go with only 1/2 tspn the first time. If you see no signs of burning then up it to 1 tspn the next feeding
  9. do This, See how it takes it then step up a few times until you are at full strength. I started mine on half strength at about 1 1/2 weeks and slowly went up and now they are three weeks old, getting full strength nutes, and looking nice with no nute burn to speak of. I noticed the growth overnight the first time I gave them 3/4 strength nutes so yes be careful it is STRONG stuff.
  10. O.K great! Thanx again! How about Tigerbloom VS Bigbloom?
  11. Two really different things

    Big Bloom is actually good the whole grow, its pretty mild and really just an EWC tea with some kelp and micronutes... gets the soil life going

    Tiger Bloom is a true flowering fert and should be started out at about 1/4 dose also
  12. Big bloom is a micro nutrient that you use all the way through and has all those trace elements that help branching,etc. The tiger bloom is the actual bloom fert and is only used during flowering. It is better to have all three but I am doing just fine giving only GB to my veggers and TB to my auto ak-47
  13. I have already given my auto ak 2 full doses(2tsp) of TB with no burning but the last feeding of GB it got was 3/4
  14. Great info guys thanx! HTG supply had the three pack but I was buying so much other stuff I just got the grow big for now and I will get the tiger bloom here in a couple of weeks when I can get some more cash saved up. HTG sent out my order at 5pm yesterday and I got my stuff at 10am this morning. Those guys are the best when it comes to prices and shipping. My nutes were a little frozen when I got them though, do you think this will effect them? I will need to quite feeding at least two weeks before harvest though right?
  15. you know what mardanlin, i have absoluty no respect for your growing advice, period, alls you do is bash my advice as incorrect, and for your information, i just used foxfarm nutes no less than 3 hours ago, so yes i used them, ive got MULTIPLE bottles of the whole line of fox farm nutes chillin in my basement, and they get plenty of use....

    so my info is based on my knowledge and expierence, and just because your a play it safe, by the books, quoting stuff word for word from other peoples shit typa person, doesn't mean you know squat.

    your nothing but a tape recorder, spittin out the same info you've read on a guide thinking you know it all. ive seen your advice on multiple threads...

    betcha your whole harvest vs mine, that is if you even have one.... that those 3 tsp's per gal i added won't do 1 speck of damage, in fact quite the opposite, id say its going to umm, maybe... HELP my plants...

    1/4th of a teaspoon isnt gunna do shit.... espcialy if its split up between more than 1 plant.

    totally off topic but.... p.s. mardanlin, cutting leaves off ISNT going to hurt your plant either, your just not man enough to try something for yourself and use your own expierence for advice.
  16. As said already
  17. expect nute burn if these instructions are followed. Especially feeding your "baby" for the first time:eek:
  18. Thankyou newgrow, gradually up your dosage as your babies react to the nutes.
  19. Tigerbloom is strictly a flowering nutrient. Growbig is strictly a vegging nutrient. Bigbloom can be used in both veg and flower. Ive got a really nice feeding chart i got from a buddy of mine that works at the my local hydro shop and grows killler. if anyones interested ill post it.

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