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How much do you smoke?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Pyrokwah, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. I just got off this 4 month long dry stretch, and I had a friend come over to smoke the first bowl. He's a bit more experienced than me, so I let him load the bowls and whatever, and we used out of a vape and out of this green alien party cup I turned into a bong. So, we smoked just a bit, mayb .2 to .4 grams together. I got quite buzzed, because of that massive T-Break, but I usually smoke about half a gram by myself when I smoke alone.

    I was just wondering, about how much do you use per sesh?
  2. I waterfall around .2 grams a session, 2 sessions a day and normally get pretty high. Ive been doing this for about 2 months now and no tolerance increase
  3. A bowl of around .3

    Canadian dank. A single bowl out of my pipe gets me where i like to be
  4. i dont have a scale, but I imagine that I pack about .3 bowls, once or 10 times a day.

    I have one nice nug of headband left.....then im dry, idk if I should save it for sleeping tonight or not...,.i mean, it does have a little bit of sativa in there, perhaps I should save it for dinner tonight?
  5. It seems like I've overestimated my amount and actually pack .3 bowls, and I might once or twice a day.
  6. i do about 5 - 15 poppers a day maybe about a gram
  7. I smoke about 6-8 .3 bowls a day... sometimes a bit less if it's some really good stuff but I smoke alot:smoke:
  8. update not that anyone cares..

    smoked half that nug earlier and it was nice. downing some mango juice and finishing this off before my epic t-break/searching for a hookup begins:smoke:
  9. Dude, my hookup got raided tonight right before I was gonna pick up.

    Damn cops trying to crack down on organized crime.

    A dude in a nearby parking lot told me to go to "the chicken place over at marlton pike" I decided It would be a trek for tomorrow. Should I kill the last of my bag?
  10. A couple small bowls in the morning, then usually a joint or a few bowls after work, then 1 or 2 joints with at least 5 bong snappers every night.
    Around 1.5 grams a day im guessing.
  11. For myself a bowl in the vape or 3 - 5 in snaps in the bong so ~.3 grams.
  12. I vape up to about 1/3 of a gram a day.
    Sometimes just a single bowl. Depends on the activities.
  13. Sounds good man.
  14. #14 LightAnother, Oct 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2010
    Doobie at about .3 up to .5 if I want to get super effed.

    Per two hours that is.
  15. Lately I've only been smoking around .1-.3 grams a night. Sometimes I'll smoke as much as .5 grams but that's usually on the weekend with friends.

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