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How much do you pay for a quarter?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Bud420, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. How much do you pay for a quarter of Mids?
  2. 20 dollars
  3. $20. We call that a "dub sack" around here.
  4. On a zoner breakdown for fire... 85
    Super strains(absolutely flawless nuggets) zoner breakdowns... 101.25

    Oh mids my bad... I don't smoke mids... I only ever gripped schwag at about 50 a zip but it was pretty bricked.
  5. £35 but it's practically impossible to get mids around here anymore.
  6. 30 dollars.
  7. Oh cuz I payed 30..

    Around here we consider everything that isn't kush or dro just reggie. So I either end up getting really bricked nasty weed or some really fire reggie
  8. LOL at all the people saying the buy a quarter for any less than 30 let alone 40. must be some mexican schwag

    i pay around 70 for good stuff]

    probably 50 if it was mids. but i never buy crap anymore
  9. Just because we get deals don't hate :D

    Like I said sometimes I do get mexican schwag but others I get weed thats almost dank for 30 a quarter.

    Which Dank isn't worth it when you can pay 30 for 7 grams instead of just 2
  10. I don't have a mids connect. -.-

    And to think I've always wanted one to luxuriously burn joints in the studio while working on shit, but hey, I'm not complaining with the dank connects. :smoke:
  11. If I could get good deals on dank I would be right there with you :smoke:
  12. 250$ for a quarter pound of mids, 500$ for half pound, 125-150$ for an ounce of purple frosty nugs. I livein cali btich!

  13. ... i pay 150 for an oz of fire.... thats 37.50 for a quarter

    know a grower, pay less.

  14. Same here :(

  15. You mad bro? It is easy to get weed that cheap if you know the right people. For example, a grower.
  16. 100 dollars a quart for dank
  17. 40-60$ a quarter for brain numbing dank.
  18. 40$ for mids 50$ for kush in ontario
  19. I pay $110 but it's for dank not mids.

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