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How Much Do U Toke?????

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Jakes Mo Moneya, Jan 20, 2006.

    1. 1 Gram
    2. 2-3 Grams
    3. 1/8 or more
    4. Anything i can get my hands on
    Also what kind of Kronik do you prefer,

    I have just recently been picking up Grapefruit Haze, so far its the best.
    but when i have some extra money i buy some nice exotics
  1. i myself smoke about 2-3 grams a day
  2. whatevers around to smoke, i guess... in a sitting i try not to smoke more than a gram to myself, because i consider that too much weed to smoke to just get high, kinda helps me keep a nice tolerance level, ya know?
  3. idk i have probly 2 to 3 bowls a day in 3 or 4 sessions.
  4. you didn't have "all day, every day" on there ... :smoke:
  5. I try not to smoke too much in a day, I mean I would but its the cash.
  6. i generally clear 2-3 bowls a day, i usually can make an 8th last around 7 days to myself. that's when i'm being conservative... lol. not to mention i've got a sweet hookup and the shit i get is fucking good,
  7. enough to keep me high throughout the day and the next..^^ ect..
  8. just like 1 or two grams a week.
  9. I smoke a lot of maheevana. it makes things sense. today was good. and I smoked a lot again.
  10. weekend thing for me usually...normally go thru an 8th
  11. 1/2 oz every two weeks
  12. i toke a lot.:smoke: iunnoh specific grams and shit. prolly not more than 4-5 grams a day usually less tho.

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