how much can i grow in here?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by stlrollin6, Mar 25, 2011.

  1. cabinet and 2 drawers

    how much is expected out of something that size? i i was thinking a small little room on the bottom for the mother and the rest for the others. also, how much can i expect to yield out of say 2 plants in there (if thats what i can fit) with that much space?
  2. using the 1'x1'x3' suggestion each plant needs roughly 1' sq an 3' for height, so i'd say max 2 up top and a really short bushy mother on the bottom if you could fit it
  3. Looks like two plants max with room for all your grow equip on the bottom. Unless you do some serious work and make the whole thing, top to bottom usuable. If I were you I'd wait for an armoir (sp?) with more space up top and less shelves below.

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