How much beer will it take me to get drunk?

Discussion in 'General' started by folied, Apr 9, 2010.

  1. Yeah if you never drink. You have plenty of beer to reach the.... almost drunk stage.

    I drink maybe once a month. I'm 160lbs and I'm pretty tipsy off of 5 beers.

    So, you should be fine.
  2. If you never drink just a few beers (3-4) will get you "drunk." I don't suggest you take my, or anyone's advice on an exact number to drink. It's beer sir, you will be able to gauge what is enough unless you are pounding like one every minute.

    If you are old enough to drink you should be old enough to know what is too much. Just sip beer until you feel happy. Don't drink until you can't walk. Good luck.
  3. 31.395 and one half.
  4. well im not much of a drinker either and if i chug a 40 (thats 40 oz of beer) i get sick & throw up like an hour later. if i take my time with it, im fine. so key is to just take your time, see how you feel & if you can, drink more

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