How marijuana works

Discussion in 'General' started by HarisMyleak, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. I think I figured out how marijuana works!

    Marijuana attempts to increase our metabolism. I think that's what it TRIES to do anyway.

    But the problem is... it takes a lot of "battery" (i guess) to do that. And when we get high, our metabolism and everything is fast for a few seconds (longer for others... maybe even minutes or half hour etc), then we run out, and just feel weird bummed in the head, and can't even think straight because its depleted everything momentarily (not in a dangerous way though - that's wats so good about mj!) and its different for everyone because everyone has a different diet. It depends on what you eat! You can even take vitamins for better highs.

    And that's why after a couple of minutes after getting high... you always notice your head feeling hot... that's because when you're cooling down (metabolism), your cerebellum's required temperature is also going down. But the surrounding is still or something I guess lol so you feel that ur head's kinda hot. You also feel a bit colder after lil bit after getting high.. etc. But in the beginning you feel really hotter.

    I figured it out by charging up my battery to max. and got to get high like the very first time (or even better than that) by doing so! And I've been toking for 3 years now.
  2. Why does it want to increase our metabolism?
  3. I'm pretty sure if this was the case, there would be a lethal dosage.... that would be very dangerous in high doses or, repetitive use.... you could easily overheat yourself hahaha.
  4. lol dude i bet youre so high right now
  5. nope, mj can't kill ya. that's the amazing thing about it. If you don't have that much supply of those chemicals, you just won't get that high... and also when coming down, with mj you don't go below normal body temp man. MJ is so amazing
  6. #6 HarisMyleak, Oct 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2010

    Actually... The thing is... no body can get that much dopamine to release in the end... So... The only thing I experience is being more active, being able to read/talk/think/process faster... Not necessarily that dopamine ahhhh feel good rush...

    So. in theory No matter how good you treat your body, whatever you do... Unless you take a drug that makes dopamine release (all those drugs are the ones that F you up for life). You really can't get that amazing of that "HIGH narcotic ecstacy null zone". But you can be really active in your life, have a healthy metabolism and smoke as much weed as you want with 0 lethargy if your supply of chemicals is not running out.

    Why do I have 2 arms and not 4?
    I just observe the laws of nature dawg.. I dunno how to answer why
  7. Whaaaaa?! DUde. Fuck titties up the ass. pffffftt!!! :;lmafo! I meant to put a l not a :;. Sorry guys.
  8. .......but you have smoked weed in the past hour though yeah? You must be high man :smoke:
  9. this all sounds very scientific...

  10. this shit is wack lmao.

    i thought i was gonna better learn about how mj works.

    is any of this even true? is this just your own personal stoner theory?

    wtf did i just read? my head gots hot? no no it doesnt?
    marijuana takes my battery?? wahhh my car battery?

    ill go back in my hole cause i dunno wtf gwon on hurr now won john paul wall cunt scabs
  11. no offence your just going off the top of your head.

    "And that's why after a couple of minutes after getting high... you always notice your head feeling hot... that's because when you're cooling down (metabolism), your cerebellum's required temperature is also going down. But the surrounding is still or something I guess lol so you feel that ur head's kinda hot. You also feel a bit colder after lil bit after getting high.. etc. But in thse beginning you feel really hotter"

    what you feel is you blood pressure rising.
    Within a few minutes after inhaling marijuana smoke, Your heart rate speeds up, the bronchial passages relaxes and become enlarged, and blood vessels in the eyes expand, making the eyes look red. The heart rate-normally 70 to 80 beats per minute-may increase by 20 to 50 beats per minute.:smoke:
  12. If i remember correctly there something in weed called... THC

    which acts like dopamine... making you feel alright

  13. may this be the politest correction ever :cool:
    thc gets absorbed into the " brains reward system " things that make u happy and such, thus stimlating your bodys natural dopamine from your brain cells. making that ..... ahhhhhhhhhh thats perfect :smoke: <3
  14. It is still just my own theory... I can't really prove it, unless there was some way of getting down right explaining every single thc (there's like 65 or sumshit) chemical's function/action/reaction in the body. Nobody knows honestly...

    But, I just thought I had some clear indications that this was what the drug is really trying to do. I can always feel my heart rate increasing, blood pressure increasing, things getting slower, my reaction time getting faster, I can read faster, focus on more things... My pupils are in this free zone to where they can dilate and undilate really fast back and forth upon the change in light.

    This "extreme - overclock brain high" only lasts for about 25 mins max though. And after that I just keep coming down and down, starting blood pressure when max high at (120/100) and coming down to (120/80). Similar with heart beat, it goes up to about 115 ish sometimes, and then over time slows down to normal. (And then eventually back to about 65 - my resting hr).

    I can metabolize food in 25 minutes and shit it out exactly 35 mins after eating it while doing this overclock stuff. I can read a page of my book which normally takes me 4-6 minutes to read in 15-30 seconds, with better knowledge retainment. My memory span is drastically improved. I have constant synesthasia (mixture of senses). I don't know... and I know 100% my shit isn't laced, it's the same batch of weed i've been toking for a while now in fact... And i've changed weed types during testing this.
  15. His theory is derived from the term "baked".

    And so now he sees himself and other people getting "baked"
    That he now thinks that weed overheats people.

    And the reason he thinks this is because he is "over baked".
  16. Raise metabolism. Not "overheat".

    Rest sounds ok to say
  17. That's a DAMN LIE and you know it :cool:


  18. OK I haven't exactly shit stuff out in 35 mins, i'm not gonna lie (although it feels i can). But I have increased blood pressure with my lower end being 100. Constant-ish for 20 minutes after getting high. I have faster reactions, I can focus on like 3 things in 1 seconds clearly (just looking around... you can judge your speed of focusing - try it right now).

    I feel the three contractions for every time my heart beats once in my chest... It's an internal feeling though, i can't feel it even if I put my hand on my chest... And you know that general feeling of awareness of every little tiny muscle in your torso/body/arms... you can feel them when you move. You just feel like you are super charged.

    And best of all I never have fatigue with smoking weed, unless I smoke like 10 times in one day... Which I can't even do with this good of weed and my tolerance being non existent with this method. I just keep my battery up. If you're going to call me a liar... then it's just no use of calling it out at all bro, everyone already assumes this is a lie... from the first post. That's why I didn't act all surprized, cuz nobody's gonna believe this shit. I tried last time too w/ some serotonin syndrome stuff, nobody cared. In fact people rooted against me, like 5 of them! and they all just say "DONT TRUST THIS GUY"... that was it.
  19. That's you man. And I think it's all in your head. I don't experience anything you mentioned and I'm no amateur.

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