How Marijuana Cured My ADHD

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by howtogrowbud, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. #1 howtogrowbud, Nov 21, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2009
    Im 28 years old and I was diagnosed with ADHD when i was 8 years old in the mid 80s.
    In the 80s ADHD was a fairly new diagnosis and many doctors didn’t know much about the disorder. The doctors wanted to try me on a new drug called Ritalin. My mom didn’t want me to start on such strong drugs so she tried a number of alternat methods to deal with my ADHD. She went out and bought some ill guided books on the subject and started me on special diets, and of course none of them worked, with the exception of coffee. One of the books she read recommended that you give coffee without sugar to children with ADHD, the logic behind that was if you give someone with ADHD a stimulant it will calm them down. well that logic is on the right track but there is some side effects that make the coffee trick not work. Its true that people with ADHD react differently to stimulants than others like for instance, large amounts of caffeine do enable me to sit for longer and concentrate a bit harder but i still get the same bad side effects that normal people who drink coffee get like the jitters and headaches and most of all the addiction, coffe is not an answer.
    When i was about 12 my mom decided to start me on ADHD medications. We went to the doctor and he prescribed me Adderall. Adderall is basically just an amphetamine (What they make speed out of) and its amazing, when im under its influence i am able to concentrate for a very long time and it seems to enable me to think before i act a little better. The problem is that people with ADHD have more problems than just not being able to concentrate. Personally i dont mind being scatter brained I can think about many things at once, the other symptom’s are the main problem for me, like for instance i only sleep between 3 and 5 hours a night since i was a little kid, i would like to sleep longer but i have way to much energy, also I pase back and forth constantly and i can never sit down long enough to watch a movie and i talk so fast that people think im a crack head when they first meet me. All of these issues made it extremly hard to be socially accepted by my peers. And then i found Marijuana.
    When i was almost 15 I smoked my first joint with a friend from school and i fell in love. I sat down and watched a movie with out getting up once and that had never happened before. Everybody takes for granted there ability to sit down and feel comfortable, people with ADHD do not have this luxury and never will with out the assistance from drugs. From that point on i smoke marijuana quite often.
    After a few months of smoking weed i found my self with lots of friends and felt more comfortable in social situations. I know what your thinking (I was using marijuana to get accepted socially), your wrong, something had changed in me. I was finally able to have a reciprocating conversation with someone without interrupting them mid sentence and life slowed down so much that i was able to be aware of my surroundings with greater detail. It is almost as if when you have ADHD your driving through life in a realy fast car and its hard to see everything you pass along the way. When im on marijuana the car slows way down and i can better enjoy the things i see out of the window.
    When i turned 19 I joined the army. In the army you obviously cant smoke weed so i didn’t for 6 years. The military is actually perfect for people with ADHD, you do so much physical labor that your actually able to get a full nigh sleep and your energy has some place to go. But my social problems came back, I had trouble making friend and people thought i was a spaz.
    The day i got out of the army i started smoking marijuana again. It was like visiting an old friend, immediately i felt like I should feel if i was a person without ADHD. This time was different though because i was a mature adult who already learned a few life lessons in the army. I started thinking about marijuana as medicine and decided that im going to do it for the rest of my life. I had to see if that was even possible first so I i started smoking before work and being high at work all day and what i found was pretty interesting. People at work couldn’t even tell that i was high actually i started noticing how the bosses liked me better and i was getting socially accepted easier than i ever had before. People really liked the high me and so did I.
    I have been married for 7 years and I have a 19 month old son and i smoke marijuana several times a day. No one in my big religuos family has try to do an intervention on me because there is no reason for it, im an educated veteran and a highly productive member of society who takes care of his family.
    I found an iteresteting article ADD versus ADHD What's the difference? It talks about the difference between ADD, without hyperactivity, and ADHD, which is WITH hyperactivity. It says that regular ADD, is different than ADHD, in that ADHD is caused by an over-stimulation in the frontal lobe, and ADD is more of a problem of the parietal lobe. So, this got me thinking…I match most of the descriptions of normal ADHD… so I did a Google search for marijuana’s effects on the parietal lobe and i found this article. Chapter 5: The Truth about Marijuana - dependency or addiction? | | Marijuana, Have, Other, Effects If you read it, you’ll see this:Scientists have studied electrical activity in the frontal lobes of the brain in Marijuana users using event-related potential measurements (ERP). activity). However with increasing frequency of use there was a growing problem in the parietal area of the brain with slower speed of information processing.
    Its interesting. AND it makes sense. If ADHD people have overactive parietal lobes, then it makes sense, that something that can calm that lobe, like marijuana, would actually help them.

  2. really happy for you dude, sounds like you've found some inner peace there. smoke on :smoke:
  3. :hello: im actually happy for you
    you taught me new things just then, i shall test this on my friend :)
  4. First off congrats on finding marijuana and it helping u do all those great things in your life, hope for many more great years man.
    Secondly do u have a interest in writing because that had to be the best writing article I've seen.
  5. That's the shit man for real dude, good for you.

    These are the articles that need to be seen, not the one where the pothead does shit and is accused of only doing it because he's high.

    Hell yeah.
  6. Great post, read all of it. Seems to me like you've found yourself now.

    And yeah, if only more people could read things like this they would probably have a greater understanding and more positive outlook of marijuana and its effects.
  7. I feel ya man. I have ADHD myself, i was diagnosed when i was 8 or 9(Im 22 now). Sleep thing really sucks i know what you mean i cant sleep more than 4-6 hours a night w/ out MJ. W/ i can get a full 8-9 hours.

    I just hope it becomes medically available for us ADHD diagnoses. Keep up man and what a great story read it all.


  8. Thanks for all the great responses guys :)
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Awesome life story, glad the herb helps you!
  10. I have ADHD BAD similar to yours. I am not totally off the pills but I can see where your coming from. Marijuana is a powerful drug to help us and its slowly starting to help me lose dependency from the "meth".

    You are not alone my brother.
  11. jeeze... before the 80s no one ever was diagnosed with ADHD... i wonder how on earth they ever got along with it. sounds serious.
  12. ADHD is a lied made up by parents to give a reason why they can't controll their kid. you have no adhd stuf
  13. I disagree. ADHD is over proscribed by a lot I will give you that, but there definitely is ADHD. I feel that ADHD isn't a disadvantage though, its only a disadvantage if your in school it can help you in other things such as athletics.

    to OP I'm happy for you that cannabis could help, legalize already!

  14. thats what i think.... or at least part of it....

    ADHD DOES exist, but it's over-diagnosed (not prescribed lol) a lot. ADHD is no way as common as doctors make it out to be. Maybe if your kid is a hyper person of below average intelligence you'd like to have a scape goat to blame it on and that is ADHD...

    Not to say ADHD doesn't exist, because it does, but you can't blame your childs problems on it.
  15. Anyone who says it does not exist is ignorant. Yes, we all know it is EXTREMELY over prescribed, no argument there. With your argument i guess everyone who has cancer is faking too right because before modern technology we had no way of knowing...

    ADHD is a chemical imbalance in the brain. Now i believe that you cant diagnose it on one doc visit like its been done today, and that is a big problem.

    but it is very real for those who suffer from it. so FU!!
  16. This is probably one of the coolest stories I've heard of someone curing themselves with marijuana. I'm glad you have found your cure. Happy toking :smoking:
  17. That's great dude. I'm glad it works for you so well.

    I just got tested for it a few weeks back (and a few other things), I'm waiting on the results. Marijuana is the only thing that makes me feel "normal".
  18. I just ran into this post and it accurately describes my life as a child and an adolescent, so I just had resurrect it and add something personal. I've been smoking it daily for nearly 25 years now and even then, it still hasn't fully cured my ADHD. If I were to gauge it, I'd say it was at like 85% at its peak when I was in kindergarten. Now at 37, it's down to like 10% to 15%. I still notice symptoms like restlessness, constant rambling and incomprehension. But gone are my inability to stay focused, situational unawareness, troubles problem solving, interrupting people and impatience. I have never had anything but blackmarket bud, and now more recently, supposedly rejected medical marijuana which seems to be all I can get now. Maybe with a specific strain combination, I may be able to get it down below 10%. But anyways, thanks for the post.
  19. I would like to know what the difference is between ADD and ADHD. My grandson has ADHD and takes medication for it. The medication has really helped him. He is doing much better in school.

    I think my son has ADD. He is not the father of my grandson who has ADHD. He is his uncle.
  20. Permafrost, chocolope, trainwreck, and Durban poison are some of the best strain I’ve found to help with my ADD

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