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How many times in total do you think you have gotten High??

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Infamous 420, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. Estimate how many times you think you have gotten high throughout your smoking career.

    I believe I have gotten high at least a thousand times....AT LEAST. Ha, what about you Seasoned Tokers?
  2. lots bro lots maby 2.......3........thousand
  3. Yeah, I def couldnt tell you that. I dont think anyone who smokes regularly will be able to either. Just sayin..
  4. The guy above me is totally way I could remember. Over a thousand though, but under five thousand. Haha
  5. I've estimated about 500 times in the last 4 months.
  6. Im going to keep track this year now and repost 12/31/10. That should be a rough estimate, but as of now it's easily in the 2 thousand range.
  7. Yeaa.. there's no possible way you could keep count of how many times you smoke. Morning, noon, night, not to mention before you eat, sleep, work, school, fuck, or pretty much anything, everyday for years. I couldn't even begin to estimate a number :confused::smoking:
  8. idk im gonna try some math, rough estimation: probably twice a week a year ago, once a week two years ago, twice a month for like half a year before that. the last 4 months probably average 3-4 times a day... damn this is tricky: my attempt: 12 +52 + 104 + 420 [haha yes, 3.5 x 120 (days)] = 588

    i believe 588 times haha. actually i smoke more than 3-4 times on the weekend and same before these last 4 months. fuck it, probably a little less than a thousand.
  9. 5 to 6 hundred times
  10. #10 Typewritermonky, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2010
    Not enough, because then I'd be done. But I'm gonna try math to.

    Smoking since the beginning of sophomore year, and I'm a senior now, so that's two and a half years I've been smoking. I've probably smoked atleast once a day, taking two one month T-breaks throughout. Weekends I smoke atleast 5 times a day. So let's set it up like this..

    Weekends Smoke+Weekday Smoke-T-Break+Parties
    [2.5 x (104 x 5)] + [ (261 x 2) x 2.5] - 60 + 100 = 2645

    I've smoked about 2,645 times I guess, probably a half gram each time. 1,322 grams is equal to 2,45 Lbs of weed, 57.23 Ounces and I've always smoked dank just because I'm in NorCal and lucky, so each eighth is 45$ average, and I never buy less then an eighth (maybe twice or so). So I can't believe I've almost spent $10,000 on weed or so considering weight and being smoked out. I've also had seshes where quarters are gone in a night easily, so I'd say it's a pretty good number.

    I guess I'm a little deep.
  11. Too many to count.
  12. Shouldn't this be in the Apprentice Tokers section? They actually can count how many times they've been high......
  13. Ok, I smoke about like you smoke expect for 7yrs so uhhh you can do that math.
  14. I estimate at least 60,000 times over the past 25 years.

    (365 days X 20 years X 6 joints a day) + (365 days X 3 years X 3 joints a day) + (365 days X 2 years X 10 joints/bowls) = 54,385 plus holidays, roadtrips, party weekends and just in general crazy times each year would easily push it to the 60,000 mark.

    Damn....that is crazy! I never had really thought about it before. :smoking: That calls for joint.
  15. Bro + rep for that!! that was pretty cool.
    im only startin out so im thinkin ive smoked about a hundred or so times haha.
    but i love it hope to say 2,645 someday! lol
  16. Haha I have no idea I think we can all agree on one thing Not Enough!!!!!
    Plus I feel like even if I tried to count the number of times in a year I wouldn't be able too I'd have like a stack of composition note books full of fucking tally marks. Haha sounds like fun though

  17. Just change 2.5 to 7 for the years you smoke.

    Weekends Smoke+Weekday Smoke-T-Break+Parties
    [7 x (104 x 5)] + [ (261 x 2) x 7] - 60 + 100 = 7,343 times more or less.

    What blows my mind is that I've spent about 10,000$ on bud, I just can't believe that.
  18. But it was well fuckin' worth it... :smoking:

    I've estimated my number of times to be ~12,000.
  19. inb4 "OVER 9000!!!!!!!!"

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