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How many seperate times in the day do you get blazed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by canofthebis, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. When i was at college i used to smoke a spliff by a beautiful reservoir at 8.30 in the morning, catch the bus, then every 2 hours during my break on the college field, those were the days, then when i got home i would smoke one out my window, then at night id have another in the reservoir - probably about 6 separate blazes per day.

    Now I drive + work, i dont smoke during the day and im too paranoid to smoke and drive, so i go gym + work + do other stuff till 7 - then get home - joint outside at 8 - joint outside at 10 - joint in bed at 12. 3 times.

    I would smoke less but i can never decide which is better smoking inside or out so i do both!
  2. I work 6-2, so the second i get home till bed :smoke: Which is usually 3-5 times.
  3. It really depends on how often I have the chance. If ive got nothing going on and alot of bud then 7+ times. If ive got school/work/etc. then maybe once in the morning and once at night. Really just depends on the situation. Basically whenever i can though.
  4. :smoke:1 Morning
    :smoke:2 In between classes
    :smoke:3 When classes are done for the day
    :smoke:4 Night
    :smoke:5 (Sometimes) Before bed

    4 or 5
  5. If I'm vaping it's a constant process that never ends. I just start after work and finishs when I go to bed.
    With the bong I have to save some weed so 2-3 times (every ~1-3hours):D Sometimes more but that's the average routine xD
  6. latley like 3 times a day, before school, after school, ( sometimes) before dinner
  7. Minus edibles, I'm having my version of a 'T-break', at least until the next crop... I've managed to cut it down to a few bowls twice a day :)
  8. all day from my 10Am wakeup until whenever i crash at night...sometimes up till 4 AM if i didnt need to anything all day.
  9. 3 on a good day haha

    wake n bake
    at night
  10. Probably like 10+ pretty much constantly, every time I sober up (an hour, give or take).
  11. i smoke all thru the day...never count...
  12. usually once... the first high of the day is the best.
    lately i've been eating edibles a lot so the high lasts way longer..
  13. Depends. Usually just 1-2 times. If I'm chillin with friends all day, 3-5?
  14. Typically, if I do it at all, I do it just once some time between dinner and bed. On the weekends, sometimes I'll do it twice.
  15. I do it twice on days i am home all day, once when im in school

  16. Man now i know that feeling. Going to work and not smoking the whole day. Comming home from a hards day of work and movement. Take a nice warm shower, cook a big ass plate, sit back, relax, and BLAZE

    goood times
  17. i stay on the high way pretty much the whole day..
  18. I'm not smoking right now... but last semester it was basically whenever I'd have free time... Would smoke about half an eighth a day.
  19. i hit my vape all day from like noon to midnight (and earlier if its a weekend wake and vake).. usually go through about 0.3-0.5g/day divided between 3-5 bowls
  20. Once at the most. Only time I go more is if I'm celebrating

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