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How many resin hits do I need?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by PipeHitter92, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. So i've got a small ball of res that I scraped outta my pipe. I was wondering how much res you need to get high. I never used to have a pipe to get res from so im new to this shit.
  2. a small ball? smoke all of it.
  3. If you dont have a tolerance 4-5 tokes is good
  4. man just smoke it and find out
  5. give me a couple of hours and i can tell you.

    I'm about to smoke some but don't feel like it right dis second

    I have to heat my resin to get it outta the pipe so if I get stoned you'll get stoned.
  6. Like 3 big hits. Resin is very potent. Nothing but all that concetrated thc :)
  7. cant. rents are home. im done my exams so im home tomorow and im planning on wake n baking with this ball of res and two p1 nugs i found on the floor. lol im smoking the whole thing i was just wondering if after collecting the res bit by bit im actually gonna get high
  8. resin is a collection of all the weed you smoked before you scraped it,therefore it is potent and should only take 1 hit to feel something. (assuming you take good hits)
  9. so what your saying is the res i have is stronger than the little buds i have (its your average indoor)? I heard res is less strong than buds. but your reasoning makes a lot of sense.
  10. Not to argue or anyting but i have a low tolerance and 1 hit wont do shit. BTW rez is not more potent than bud

  11. wrong. where did you hear this?
  12. resin has about the same amount of THC in it as stems and such. less than bud. but ive collected resin (enough for a bowl) and i was pretty high.
  13. It depends how much you have smoked through the pipe before you scraped it.

    ...Why don't you just smoke the buds first before you scrape so it adds more to that collection of yours? Or you can combine the resin with a little bud.

    If not, let's say you smoked a gram through the pipe before you scraped it. Yes the resin would be stronger than those small buds.

    But I want to know, how small is this ball of resin?
  14. If 1 hit won't affect you , you would have to be new to smoking, don't smoke often, didn't have enough resin(my guess for you), or have bad quality weed.
  15. I just measured its about 6mm high and a bit more than 1cm wide
  16. You will for sure get high.

    Don't smoke it like bud though.
    Softly inhale it and you will get a real nice cloud.
  17. This needs to be moved to the Apprentaice section. this isnt made for here.

    just smoke the resin. Dont ask us. Smoke it till its gone.
  18. Smoke it all. When I had no tolerance a little ball would really fuck me up. When I got a tolerance, it did nothing...
  19. I'm sure when the mods see this, they will deal with it. We don't need a reminder.
  20. resin has a lot of impurities (plant matter, butane) so it's not as potent as bud. it does give you a heavier high though.

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