how many religions are there

Discussion in 'General' started by DeluxeHerb, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. If anyone knows post it.
  2. a ridiculously high amount

    with some catholics i've asked, "why do you believe in your god if there are a multitude of other monotheistic religions out there who also believe in their god? what makes yours right, above all others? are they not all equally undisputed faiths at their core?"

    and the answer i'd usually get is, "because their religions aren't true, only God exists"

    ignorance at its finest
  3. Who cares every single religion ( out of the thousands) are wrong. Just control systems exploiting your fear.
  4. exactly why I gave up on christianity you have to be crazy to really think that "God loves everyone" but If you don't love him he will send you into an eternal pit of fire.

    edit: I gave up on christianity and EVERY religon, I don't even think the bible is real.
  5. One.

    Preachin' The Church of OscarZetaAcosta and His People, bitches.:cool:
  6. Tens of thousands.
  7. Religion-Many people believe something
    Cult-Few people believe something
    Mental illness-One person believes something

    Take the information and run
  8. i believe there is 1 religion for every 1 person
  9. There is but 2 religions; those with faith in the one and almighty God, and the eternally damned atheist.
  10. I don't believe in any religion
  11. Thousands in practice today, millions that have become extinct

  12. i know you're just messing around but Athiesm isnt a religion :p

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