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How many Recipes?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Hempfest09, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. How many recipes are there that you can make with marijuana? Like can you use cannabutter with everything?
  2. uh yeah pretty much.
  3. Damn i needa make some cannabutter cuz i like cooking.
  4. Cannabutter can be used in any recipe as regular butter. I enjoy making edibles (and eating them) and have had spaggetti sauce infused with it, pretty much every baked good you can imagine you can make.
  5. Does it taste good? Like does the weed make it taste worse?
  6. Nope, it makes it taste a little earthy almost like salad imo. And yeah, you can pretty much make anything with weed in it. Eggs, brownies, tea, spaghetti, you name it.
  7. Now how would you go about making eggs with it?
  8. Make some scrambled eggs like normal and add however much cannabutter you want man thats how
  9. Oh thanks for that advice.

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