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how many potheads are up at 4:20 am toking?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by gofuzzyourself, Oct 26, 2005.

  1. Somehow I knew I would be here at 4:20 smoking again lol...
  2. ^ Lol thats funny its keeping me up.
  3. well im still waiting to here from employer to schedule a DT before i smoke again, however i AM drinking myself into oblivion right now and mayb i can just passout bc theres no way i can fall asleep tonight, a little MJ would mellow me out nicely right now
  4. ^ Hate to play the devil's adovocate but...

    If you havent smoked in a while you could probably take a pinch hit or two drink some water for the next few days and be fine. Dont listen to me though. :smoking:
  5. its 4:20 what a coincidence
  6. haha yeah but i plan that once MJ hits my lips after her long long vacation that she will kick my ass to the floor, gonna bake myself HAAARRRRDDDD
  7. I am up right now smoking a bowl! Happy "Danks"giving all!!
  8. no way am I up then.....ill catch it whenever I need it, after i wake up!!
  9. LMAO! dude get this man some water because he just got burned nicely done hoast. I'll be smokin one 4:20 am today because i'm turning 19!
  10. Im usually asleep by then, I pass out round 4am.

    but sometimes I stay up and do the 4:20 smokeout you know ;D

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