how many plants could i fit in here?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Andrewp30, May 26, 2010.

  1. New 48" X 24" X 60" Hydroponics Grow Tent Hydro Box Hut Cabinet: Home & Garden

    i plan on doing the plants from start to finish in the tent.

    my choice of seed: Flyingdutchmen > Flying Dutchmen > Cannabis Seeds > POT OF GOLD (do these guys ship to the u.s.???)

    was thinking of doing an hps setup. 400 watts possibly. i might consider 600 watts(if needed).

    I was thinking of using using 5 gallon bubble buckets. I would like to have 1 extra bucket for a resovoure.

    There is a local hydro shop that sells the nuts and a carbon filter/fan i would need.

    I also was looking at using the lucas formula for nutes.

    I don't know if i have a green thumb, so i want to start small.

    I want to get a second tent and use this one for veg/clones if i can get good at this.

    so my question... rough estimate on the number of plants i could fit in there with my planned setup?

    I'm open to ideas and suggestions.
  2. you cant get that many buckets in that 2 by 4 foot space. dwc takes up some room. maybe 3?:(
  3. wouldn't go more then four, you could cram 8 in there ..but you would hurt airflow, and light penetration..probably leading to mold, decreased yield, and other problems.

    but 4, or 2 with a good SCRoG ( Screen of Green)...

    thats a wicked cheap price for a grow tent BTW ..let us know if it is any good, please... I've been looking for one to house males...
  4. it's 6 a.m. and i just got home from a long day at work(yeah). talking to a buddy right now that has the tent i linked.

    he said it is cheap because it is cheap. the zipper barely works. it leaks light in places it shouldn't. He also said it is very flimsy.

    My friend told me to try a tent from the brand secret jardin. I think i am going to take his advise.

    probably going to get this one instead: DARKROOM 80 32in. X 32 in. X 63 in. Secret Jardin: Home & Garden
  5. that tent is a touch smaller..but the same rules will apply, wouldn't go over 4.. just with this one will get have just enough space to vent, and circulate air well..but still give great reflection return from the walls.., and 400 watt is perfect ...

    and yup seems to be you get what you pay for .. glad you got a heads up before purchasing...
  6. thanks for your help. +rep
  7. I have a tent the size of the first you were looking at and w/ for plants in flower its pretty dang tight...wish I did 3 for my first.

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