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How Many Plants Can I Grow With A Card in Cal?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by 1stTimeGuy, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. How many plants can I legally grow in California?

    I am only doing small personal, but just want to make sure I know.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. 12 in veg OR 6 in flower and 8 oz.

    Where i am anyways.
  3. Thanks for the info. :D

    I think I'm going to get a friends grow rights so I should be fine with 12.

    All I need to do is hang his paper work next to mine right?

    Thanks again and have a good one.

  4. IIRC there is a form which must be signed by both of you in front of someone and a new dif recommendation is created.

    I would do some research before you go over your limits,and look up the limits for "your" city first too.
  5. 6 flowering female plants
  6. IIRC you only need have a copy of their script. and I don't think it needs to be hung right next to yours, just in your files on site.
  7. the standard limit is 12 small plants and 6 mature plants. a doctor can recommend up to 99 plants per patient.

    to get a 99 plant limit you must go to a doctor thats recommends but is not medicann and say you make weed edibles and that because of how it takes to make potent edibles and how much is wasted, you need a 99 plant limit to accommodate for your use. this will also raise your limit on how much you can posess which changes to 64 ounces.

    many counties in california have drafted their own plant limits. some counties require you to grow in a certain square footage instead of plant limit.
  8. Actually as of this morning, according to the State Supreme Court, THERE IS NO LONGER ANY LIMITS.

    Now I wouldn't take that to mean I can start a huge grow op, so tread lightly and study up on the actual laws before you do anything drastic.

  9. woot time to buy 50 clones:hello:hehe:p
  10. Did you READ my post? NO, NOT the time to buy 50 clones. The time to wait and see what the actual outcome and how the law changes.
  11. Thanks for all the info ...

    Really appreciate it.
  12. Just renewed my Medicann this morning and was told by my doc just yesterday there was some new draft going into effect here in Cali. but is in the process.

    Said he wont make any changes to my recommendation at this time,two years ago the MD adjusted my limit to 16 in any stage and last year they said they were not recommending any more than the county standard.

    So ATM here in OC it is 12 in veg OR 6 in flower unless your recommendation states otherwise.;)

  13. I was joking lol:p
    I only have 5 female plants, so i'm good:smoking:
  14. Well, OK then. It's hard to tell on the nets you know.
  15. Please clairify, even the law is me, 12 veg "OR" 6 mature......Per card in the residence.

    My question is can you have both stages going at the same time? i.e. say 6 in veg and 3 mature?


    With 2 cards in the residence
    one card holders plants in Veg. (x12)
    the other card holders plants in Flower (x6) ?????

  16. Honestly, that is what I'm doing...3 people in my house have medical mj recommendation letters. I'm starting a grow where there will be 10 plants in flowering covered by 2 members (6+6=12). Then I'm going to cover the veg set up with my recommendation 12 allowed plants.

    Now that I know I can tell the doc I have to make edibles I'm going to see if I can bump these limits up.

    Also, my interpretation of the laws is confusing. I have read things that hint that each person in CA, not counting local variations, can have 12 veg and 6 flower for a total of 18 plants. I did hear about someone getting raided...he had like 12 veg, 6 flower and a whole bunch of seedlings and clones. His actual plant count was huge and he got in a lot of trouble...but he wasn't really growing a large amount of functional plants. I guess you have to be really careful.

    If you aren't sure, contact the agency who makes your medicann recommendations. I'm sure they will clear it up. Best to err on the side of conservative. Also I've heard its easy to get rights to grow for other medi-cann patients as a caregiver. This could legally increase your numbers.
  17. to my knowledge you can grow as many plants as you want but growing over 100 plants then it will be a federal issue and could be thrown in federal prison.
  18. You cant just grow as many as you want. It is 6 mature or 12 veg or a combo of both. So if you have 5 budding then you can have 2 vegging. Four flowering and four vegging. so on, otherwise your rec would say so,why risk it. you can never have more than 12
  19. Local Medical Marijuana Guidelines

    You can always call up the local LEO's and ask... they have better things to do then try to entrap a mmj patient and will just tell you how to avoid legal troubles with them. (seriously)

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