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How Many Plants can i fit?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by GreenMachine420, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. #1 GreenMachine420, Aug 8, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2008
    ok so i have 215 watts of CFL's. im looking for the biggest yeild. should i grow like 5 plants in 2 1/2 - 3 gallon pots or just 2 plants in 5 gallon pots? i will also do SCROG or somethin like that if u guys think that will work better.i realy just want to know what yall think would be the best yeild off 215watts of CFL. any suggestions appreciated.
  2. With only 215 watts of CFL I would suggest growing just the 2 plants in 5 gallon pots. Scrog could be inefficient with that low wattage. Just do 5 gallon pots and get some extra CFLs for the lower buds during flowering (or tube fluoros).
  3. Yeah do 2 big plants, it'll be easier. Either LST or ScroG if you like, to keep them low and compact, and just make sure no bud site is more than 4-6 inches from a bulb. Bend, tie, trim a fan leaf if you have to. Have fans blowing on the bulbs so you can almost get them in the plants. If all goes well, you should get at least a couple Oz. per plant.

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