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How many pieces is too many?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by GoGetEmKid, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. Okay, so I've got four spoon pipes and a bong, but I almost feel like I'm just collecting them these days. All my friends have maybe one or two pipes and a bong or something. But I never throw out pieces or anything, I just clean them. And now I'm considering getting another pipe, probably a spoon but maybe a Sherlock.
    I dunno, I just feel like I have too many pieces and I was wondering how many you guys thought was too much?
  2. I wouldn't wanna but a ton of pieces. I
    rather buy weed instead.
  3. [quote name='"SmOkiepokie"']I wouldn't wanna but a ton of pieces. I
    rather buy weed instead.[/quote]

    You found your answer my good man.
  4. If you have the money to spend and theres nothing thats more of a necessity that you should get, then go for it. Fellow smokers will respect your collection and you will be proud!
  5. No such thing as too many pieces man, you know how much glass can break ? you gotta keep alot . and its good to have a nice variety of pieces , that u can use at your own leisure :smoke:
  6. Glass is art. Have you ever seen car collectors? Some have so many cars they couldnt drive one every day of the month, but as long as your collection makes you happy a number shouldn't matter.
  7. personally the max i would have is 3 pipes, 1 bubbler and 2 bongs, so 6 pieces total really, anymore than that is unnecessary.
  8. You can never have too many pieces but variety is the key. Four spoons is a lot and unless they all have badass designs there's really no need to have so many. But then again there's no harm done, if you enjoy collecting pieces go nuts.
  9. Hmm. This is tricky, because I want to have quite a few.

    Chillums, pieces, sherlocks etc are better for variety than just another spoon.
    But I dont like spoons, so.. The problem you run into is the MFLB & shit. You know how easy it is to get baked with that thing in public? Movie theater + foot long whip out of a cup works pretty well. The vapor can be ghosted and smells like popcorn.
  10. how about over 20 pieces?:p
  11. The more the better, it's just like collecting art that you use. Key is to get pieces that each is unique and different from the last one, the coolest thing to collect is bongs but that can get very pricey is they are high quality glass. Never buy a new piece if you already have one and buying one would spend money you need for bills or something important. I saw a video on YouTube of this chick with around 10 high quality $300+ bongs siting in her room, and she was talking about how shes almost out of bud and doesn't have any more money for weed or rent, while $3000+ worth of glass is right next to her.
  12. I have a decent amount of pieces, probably close to 20.
    About a dozen different types of pipes
    A couple steamys
    A bubbler
    And 5 bongs

    All glass, not a fan of plastic.
  13. well all my pieces are different, like one is a small spoon, one is probably not even considered a spoon because the bowl is in the middle, and two are traditional spoons. and my bong is my prized possession, she's quite beautiful. I do really enjoy collecting pieces, though, and I would like to get more, I just didn't know if it was frivolous and a waste.
  14. Three weeks ago, I bought my first pipe.
    Two weeks ago, I bought my first bong.
    One week ago, I bought my first dugout.

    It really is like collecting art.
  15. Ive got 2 glass pipes a wooden pipe a two perc bong with ice catcher a 1 perc with ice catcher and two straight thru bongs. Still gonna get more
  16. I have 3 spoons ......

    1 bubbler

    Bong with ash catcher


    Sneak a toke

    So about 7 pieces
  17. i have 2 mini spoons for on the go

    2 cigerette style metal one-hitters

    1 large thick spoon

    Vaporgenie vape pipe

    and a foot tall 4-arm perc'd bong

  18. You can never have too many pieces.
  19. You kcan tell by the amount of weed you smoke a day, if its a lot around 2-3 grams a day, then you have around a good amount of pieces ,

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