I would, but the stupid thing about the Internet is usually that everyone can be friends and what not on the Internet, but the experience has shown that once those people meet up, there is nothing to talk about, or they end up not chilling together at all..... you know what I mean ? :/
There's so many people on this site that I would love to meet! But then there's a quite a few who I would prefer to stay far away from
It goes both ways. No one can tell what a persons personality is like off of the internet. You dont need courage, and it doesnt matter if your shy. But these affect face to face interactions no matter what. Hence why i think facebook is the death of face to face contact.
What if two sex offenders meet up? Which one offends the other with sex first? Edit: There's plenty of people here that I owe a session. Though I wouldn't want to start naming names and being all exclusive and what not.
I can't name anyone in particular yet, but I'm sure there are some people I'd chill with. I tend to hate people though.
A lot of people around here seem cool enough. Not all of them, but the thing is that most of them will tend to behave worse on the 'net. So many decide to be a jerk for no good reason other than they can without consequences. The possibility of getting popped in the mug tends to make a lot of people behave a bit better.
A handful. They know. But it aint like anyone's on a pedestal or anything...Just got a case of the paranoids.
I actually met up with an fellow GC member, the day ended up pretty wavy taking hits off that Sour Diesel.