How many of us have regular epiphanies?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by budlover13, Mar 22, 2011.

  1. And how many have those then forget them the next morning? I DO!!! Sometimes. Has anyone journaled their thoughts? I have a partial hardcopy of mine, but nothing totally encompassing. This makes me want to experiment with more sativas so I don't get knocked on my butt by the heavy indicas I use for my fibro.

    So, if the ideas are not *proprietary*, or if you just want to speak your mind, then speak out.

    My latest idea I consider proprietary, how about you?
  2. Epiphanies or sudden enlightenments are like walking up a stairway

    One at a time

    Trying to remember them is walking back down that staircase
  3. I get them pretty frequently and yes I make sure to write down all my epiphanies. They are things I don't want to forget.
  4. I have a word formatting app on my phone and when I get blowed, I just bust that out and keep track of any epiphanies I have. Then, I read back through them when I'm sober. I'd say about 25% of the stuff I delete once I'm sober, 50% of it is just song lyrics that I really like, another 15% is more suited for a to-do list (which I also keep on my phone), and then the cream of the crop, 10% of it is revelations and deep thinking.

    I'd recommend it to anyone who, like me, enjoys a nice cerebral high and enjoys the free thinking it gives you. Don't get me wrong, I like taking certain psychoactives and melting into oblivion just as much as the next guy, but I try and balance that with these enlightening highs.
  5. For me, enlightenment is a goal to continually reach for. I like your sense of balance Saucier. I've been thinking about hooking up a wireless mike and just mumbling my thoughts so I can multi-task. Then again, I would have to seriously protect those recordings! :)
  6. gotta write that shit down
  7. This.

    Quick notes on iphone... Large document on Microsoft word
  8. I keep an mp3 recorder with me. After a meditation session, usually in the early morning, if an idea comes to me, I turn it on and just start talking. Got some pretty interesting stuff doing this.
  9. I have a little notebook I carry with me everywhere I go. If i get an idea or have some interesting toughts I write them down. Its great!

    But I must keep the book safe, because if someone read in it, they would think I'm mad. :smoke:

    Epiphanies comes often now adays, and I like it. Finally I'm seeing the world for what it is, not what people tell me it is. :p
  10. meh, would much rather forget everything that runs through my mind tbh, most things are better off forgotten about, i've learned, works best for me anyways. but, who's to say what..? : D
  11. I had an epiphany a few years ago, and am still sorting out the resulting implications. The first major one that I remember is the one that set me towards atheism, then the next one was after pondering something on ethics.
  12. I figure, if I have an epiphany and it's important, I will remember it. If it's not important, it doesn't matter if I remember or not. I like to think whenever I have one, it becomes a part of my being, and it will surface when appropriate.
  13. when i'm high and philosophizing about conciousness/physics/spirituality/mental conditions/ shit like thaat if i think long enough my ideas relate to eachother and bam it's like i'm hit with a language less understanding of something it's like an understanding of something just hits me and i put it in words, some sort of communication of intent, these ideas aren't made by me though i'm just the antenna

  14. This too.

    I don't even want to know the evaluation a psychiatrist would give if they were handed my "manifesto", but I can't imagine it would be good.

    I'm pretty sure that I'm half-crazy, yet fully capable of hiding it.

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