How many do you go threw a year? Including the one's lost or stolen. Me about 12 a year and if you add in lost or stolen one probably like 24-30 damn BIC thief's.
I never keep track. Not very many though, I make them last and I never really lose them. Always goes back in the same spot.
im terrible for lose lighters :/ i tend to just buy tons of those crappy disposable ones so it doesnt matter easily get through like one or two a week
A year? What kind of sociopath keeps track of that shit? I run through 2 or 3 every month, give or take. Never because they die, always because I lose them.
[quote name="welker 420" post="19389008" timestamp="1390442220"]In a year honestly atleast 25 I don't keep track Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
No one, its called thinking how many you use a month then just add 12 months to that, wow that was hard.
Yeah probably 20-25 a year. I screw around with my lighters constantly, even when not smoking so that makes them run out quicker. I have like 10 empty bics on my desk right now, don't throw them out for some reason Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum