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How many led watts are required???

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by doo, Jun 14, 2019.

  1. Hi guys ! Im a new grower. I think to start with one plant (northern lights) in pc grow box but i dont know how many led watts are required. I dont want to burn the leaves. 3th week. Thanks!!!
  2. No hard and fast answer but if you have proper light spectrum about half the watts you would be using with HID
  3. Mine are 300 watts each fixture. I have 4 DIY light fixtures with each containing 4 QB132 boards. On my last grow, I was able to get 3 lbs from just 4 plants. The lights were one of the main reasons for that amount of weight.
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  4. So this what I dont understand. PPL pour money into LED but in the end you're still pulling about 1 GPW. Some people get up to 1.5 GPW. However, LED draw 1/5 the Watts per lumen. Personally, I take this as evidence that LED still have a pour spectrum for Cannabis. To justify their cost to me I would I have to be pulling at least 2.5 GPW.
  5. Lol, well a buddy of mine was using 2000 watts of HPS on 4 plants at the same time as my grow and got about a lb per plant. Mine was 1.12 g/w, his was almost 1 g/w with 800 watts more than me. My electrical cost was only about 40 additional per month while his was easily over a 100.

    The light is only part of the equation for big yields. The grower's experience and products used and the strain are the other parts.

    If you're pulling 2.5 g/w, a full gram more than most very good growers that I know of, what do you attribute it to? That's a pretty high claim bro.
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  6. @ZeusMan You bring up a point I see alot about how LEDs are there yet. However your not taking into account for the cost of cooling/air conditioning you need from using a HID light. Also when your using an HID your using 100% of the power all the time. Compare that to an LED that you can DIM, and you get additional cost savings in power, and also less cooling needed. Even with the digital ballast that can do 400,600,1000watts your still using 400watts during veg. For a 4x4 room I could use 4 (qb 132s) dropped 3in from the young plants and use maybe 40watts as seedlings then gradually ramp up to maybe 120-200watts. I don't remember what wattages were before I switch to the flowering lights. So its not so much an increase in production that LED growers are concerned with, its more the cost savings.

    HID - High Intensity Discharge lights. HPS,MH,CMH/LEC

    @StickyBudHound His 2.5Grams per watt is what he would want to justify the higher cost of LED(s)
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. You are buying you lights at the wrong place. Got my at half price from china and they are the same as the high priced lights here in the US and shipping is faster from china too.
  8. Im not claiming 2.5 gpw, that is what I would need to get to justify the cost of led for me. Since as you say no one gets that, I conclude led aren’t worth it.
  9. I bought my HID from China for way less than those Chinese LEDs

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