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How Many Hits Of Dank Does It Take To Get High?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by alexstartsagain, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. I was just curious how much of a lightweight I am.  I need about 4 hits of dank to get high.  What about everyone else?

  2. Very subjective, how big are the hits? By dank do you mean top shelf? Most people will give you answers in grams. I'd say it takes at least a good full gram. Which on occasion equals 2 to 3 hits but most the time 6 to 8.

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  3. #3 Mid man, Nov 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2014
    Damn a whole gram just to get high?
    I only need like .15-.20 to get stoned, .25-.4 to be gone
  4. You need 4.20 danks to get blitzed

    🎶High above at the edge of the world, we are searching for glory and peace, when the time has come, you will see our return to the land of the free!🎶
  5. If it's dank, 1 hit.

    If it takes more than 1, it wasn't dank.
  6. a full gram of dank? you need to lower your tolerance bro
  7. Well if I have a .5 of dank. I can split that into 5 big snapper bowls and 1 snapper will get me high for 1-2 hours. So 1(big) snapper or .1 of dank gets me high.
  8.  A good reason to stay away from dabbing haha Been dabbing about 2 grams of either prime extracts or rumpwax a week will shoot your tolerance way up.
  9. I dab, smoke and vape plus I workout so my tolerance stay low. All I need is one dab, 3-5 hits off a joint or .1 vape to be stoned as fuck.

    Stoner Athlete
    Train Insane or Remain The Same.
  10. Just 1.

    Weed doesn't need to be a macho competition like alcohol.
  11. Personally it takes 1 bowl of dank to do the trick.. thats probably around 3 hits or so.. not a big bowl!
  12. I can take one nice big waterfall and be baked as fuck for 2 hours, that's like .1
    However in a pipe or bong probably closer to a spliff
  13. Wah-unn...Two-hooo...Tha-reeee...
    It takes three dank hits to get properly high.

    Attached Files:

  14. If you're talking about bong hits, it only takes me 2.
  15. It's all subjective. What's your tolerance? What do you consider "high" to be?
  16. I'll snap a .15ish bowl occasionally, (haven't measured it so idk), and I get high as tits.
    That's probably because I'm vaping 90% of they time though.

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  17. One deep hit. 
  18. About half gram and im good
  19. Lol half ounce a day habit so prolly start feeling it around gram mark and we're talking dispensary weed

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