How many hits are you getting out of 1g distillate carts?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by differentuse, Jul 4, 2023.

  1. Before trying them I read you could get 200+ hits out of a cart, sounded great. So far have hit it about 75 times and theres about 1/3 left. This is on 2.2v lets not talk about the first cart i vaped at 3v lol. I am also taking bigger hits than you should, less then 10 secs though. Wondering whats the average number of hits you get and at what voltage? Small or big hits? Thanks
  2. I take big hits, never counted seconds, at 4.3v, and I sure have never counted my hits.Sounds like you're right on track for 200 hits from your one gram cart.
  3. My uni pro has a hit number and hit length counter i could never keep track haha
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  4. i use Ccell Th2 cart with a Ccell M3 Plus battery at the moment ... i never watch the amount of puff i get with my 1g cart but i look for days... so that being said ... on a disposable i can go for 4 to 5 days.. on my Ccell battery and cart it's more like 6-7 days at 2.7v and 3.8v depending if i want a big or small puff .. i never do blinkers cause it make me cough so smaller but more often and it's the same result with no cough.

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