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How many grams of dank could 40 bucks buy me?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by johnjohn41, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. I'm thinking maybe 2.5-2.7? Anyone help please?
  2. Depends on where you live, but most likely somewhere in the 2-3g range.
  3. Depends on where your located. Obviously you'd know your prices a little better than we would. I'd say no more than 3gs.
  4. Twenty-four pounds, two ounces, six grams....

    We don't know your dealers prices, ask them.
  5. all depends like every one said, 2gs- to an 8th in southern cali
  6. dank is 10$ a G where im from no exceptions . 4G homie
  7. 2-6
    all about location
  8. Most likely 2-3. It's generally 20$ per g.
  9. around here at least 2 g's but i dont know your local prices
  10. Lol like two grams.

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