How many CFLS

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by NvMyEVO, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Hey, sorry if this was posted else where, i couldnt find an answer. How many cfls and what watts would i need for around 4 plants?
  2. 100 watts a plant, more is better. 6500k for first half 2700k for flowring
  3. ^That's a minimum for CFLs. And that's actual watts, not "equivalent" or "replacement" watts.
  4. #4 NvMyEVO, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    Thanks guys, helped a ton :D
    something i just thought of. In the flowering stage do i run just 2700, or do i run a mix? like half and half?
  5. If you're running on minimum watts, go all 2700K. If you have more, perhaps a mixed spectrum would do fine. But only if you want to incentivate radial/upwards growth for "perhaps" bigger buds.

    Idk... From the spot I see it, when it's time to flower, it's time to flower. It should be big enough by then. If not, veg it a bit longer. 2700K full throttle.
  6. kk so for veg 6500 all the way then flowering all 2700k got it thank you

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