How many cans of butane would you use

Discussion in 'Concentrate Tools' started by MrxNiceGuy, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. How many cans of 7x butane would you use to most efficiently use lets say a half?
  2. I used to run 1 can per half... realized how in-efficient is was. A good rule of thumb I've found if your using quality butane is 1 (~325ml) per full. So in your case half a can should be the most efficient.

  3. Thanks for the info.

    What made 1 can per half in-efficient?
  4. #4 Blink 182, Nov 30, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2012
    More or less because it wasn't producing any more product ('tane turned clear as water), but also because it took longer to purge out that excess butane.

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