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how many bowls to get me high?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by backpacker, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Hey I tried smoking for the 2nd time today. My first time was with my friend and I took like 5 hits from his steamroller, and I felt it a little bit but I didn't feel really messed up. Today, I tried it by myself with my little bowl and I smoked one bowl and didn't feel anything. My friend bought me the weed and said that it's good stuff and I trust him since he's experienced and I'm his good friend. Right now I've got about enough to fill 1.5 soda bottle caps. How much should I try next time so I can feel it? 2 bowls?
  2. make sure to deeply inahle god's sweet sweet plasma
  3. a lot of people dont get high their first couple times. i dont know why and i don't want this thread to get off topic.

    just keep tryin, one bowl of any weed should get someone with 0 zolerance high.

    make sure you inhale and hold a couple seconds.
  4. yeah, you may not be inhaling all the way. Be sure to inhale deeply like you would with oxygen and then hold the hit in your lungs for about five - ten seconds.
  5. if you cough a lung out then you are doing something right....not the most comfortable feeling lol but just take deeper'll get used to it
  6. dude if i take 2-3 hits out of any kidn of glass i get real fucked up.. been blazing for like 6 years (since 8th grade) and barely have tolerance with glass.. gets me ripped everytime.. blunts on the other hand i need to smoke it to the face to get completely stoned.. half of it to get high
  7. ok I'll try to inhale deeper next time. I also wasn't holding it in that long, maybe 3 or 4 seconds.

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